Korg MicroKontrol 37-Key USB Controller Keyboard

The microKontrol, from Korg, is one of a new breed of control keyboards designed for mobile electronic musicians. It combines many of the most commonly used controls from a variety of studio devices, including panners, faders, keyboard and pads, into a portable device. The flexibility of the microKontrol makes it a great controller to consider… Read More Korg MicroKontrol 37-Key USB Controller Keyboard

Garageband Jam Pack

Triples the Music Content for Revolutionary New GarageBand Music Creation Software Apple recently introduced the Jam Pack, an add-on music content package for Apple’s GarageBand music creation software. Jam Pack triples GarageBand’s music options. It adds: Over 2,000 additional loops, including many for hip-hop and electronica; Over 100 additional software instruments, including a concert grand… Read More Garageband Jam Pack

Monster Cable

Monster Cable is one of the leading manufactures of cables and connectors, all the stuff you need to patch together your equipment reliably. They are known for high-end audio work and instrument cables, but also create cables and connectors for Apple and PC computers. Other lines include power supplies and amplifiers, batteries, mobile and gaming… Read More Monster Cable

House Music

Disco never really died. Instead it mutated, and one of its mutant offshoots is House Music. House music retains much of the heavy regular beat of disco, but tends to be more electronic, with drum machine rhythms and synthesized basses. The music is song based, and draws on a variety of influences, including Latin, jazz,… Read More House Music

Dark Ambient Music

Dark ambient music explores the experimental fringes of ambient music, often using ambient sounds to create an unsettling or even scary soundscape. Dark ambient is rhythmless or uses minimal beats, and may include atonal synthesized washes and sample-based noise effects. One of the earliest examples of what could be considered dark ambient was Brian Eno’s… Read More Dark Ambient Music


Mackie has established itself as the leader in studio recording technologies, including mixers, studio monitors, amplifiers and speakers. They continue to innovate with products aimed at the computer studio, such as DSP cards, control surfaces, and audio inputs. Their HR line of studio monitors are trusted by studio pros, and are considered a standard monitor.… Read More Mackie