Roland has officially introduced the INTEGRA-7 SuperNATURAL Sound Module, a ‘flagship’ rack unit that features the company’s latest synthesis technogies.
The INTEGRA-7 comes loaded with over 6,000 sounds (SuperNATURAL sounds, PCM sounds, and all 12 SRX expansion boards), independent SuperNATURAL acoustic, synth, and drum sounds, and more.
- Flagship synth module with over 6,000 sounds built in.
- The latest SuperNATURAL sounds with enhanced Behavior Modeling technology for expressive acoustic instruments and accurate reproduction of performance articulations.
- Powerful SuperNATURAL synth engine with fat analog synth models and vintage filter types.
- Dynamic SuperNATURAL drum engine with natural tonal change derived from Roland V-Drums.
- Producer’s “must-have” SRX Expansion sound library built in; all 12 SRX titles included.
- Dedicated multi-effects and EQ for each part (16 parts), plus dedicated COMP+EQ (use six simultaneously) for drums and ambience parameters for SuperNATURAL drum kits.
- Innovative 17-part Motional Surround ambience engine for stereo, headphone, and 5.1-channel output.
- INTEGRA-7 Editor for iPad and Motional Surround VSTi Editor for SONAR software.
Pricing and availability for the INTEGRA-7 are to come. See the Roland site for details.
This, a MPC, iPad and a midi keyboard and your in biz. I wish my Fantom XR rack had a iPad app.
Roland introduces: the new JV-1010¡¡
and the price is ?
£1200 GBP
I’m sure its playable and it wil sound fine, but who buys digital rack sound modules anymore?
Anybody serious about writing music. Large libraries make for better control over end product sound. Yes you can do it on a computer but when you have a large library from one company or another you can then fit the mix together at a faster rate. Are you busy. so am I …. so call it a time saver.
Can’t believe Roland are still persisting with PCM technology. Are they anticipating a big 90’s revival?
A 90s revival is inevitable.
Sure, why not a 90s revival? People have kept disco alive for years, in the guise of 20 forms of techno. Frank Zappa once said society would collapse due to paperwork and Nostalgia, in which people finally began to pine for their last step so much that they’d finally never take a new one. Sounds familiar….
For the record, being anti-PCM is silly. Its just a form of sampling which has earned a decent place. Also note that companies keep MAKING hardware modules, because a powerhouse like this can easily act as a central tool you embellish around the edges. I still use 2 Korg workstations and an E-mu module, sometimes as support, sometimes up front, but I KNOW them through use. Don’t discount having a consistent foundation.
I’m still surprised when people complain like this. A 6,000 patch SuperNatural Roland brain with all of the SRX cards built-in is a serious tool. The price seems sensible as well.
If you guys think this is 90’s technology, you got blinders on. The artificial intelligence that’s build into their latest keyboards is very cool, very musical and very playable. Give it a try and actually dig into it before you dismiss it!
With “over 6000 sounds” in it why does Roland still insist, decade after decade, on picking the smarmiest sounds for their demos? I’m sure that thing sounds fantastic, but I wouldn’t know it from the demo. That being said, I think the smarter way to go would be to sell the rack hardware at a reasonable price, and then sell the rest of “the library” piece by piece. Enterprise level “everything in one box” products have a really limited market now in any industry. This thing could solve all kinds of problems for me at about 1k, but anything above that is buying stuff I’ll never use and taking away resources to get things I will use.
The 90s, before Apple’s iPad
I’m sorry, but digital music hardware is dead. Let it go Roland! Go back to making analog synths or start making software.
No you are wrong. Period.
i cant figure out how Roland is still in business
Stop whining
“i cant figure out” you already answer you own question lol
> Stuck in the 90s fail
Hold on, though. Read their marketing blurbs — they’re porting all the sounds from the 5080, along with the SRX boards. Last I checked, 5080 goes for around $500-600 US, SRX boards are $40-200 *each*. At least they’re learning how to repackage their own tech in a way that isn’t a joke…
with Roland’s experience, a renewal of the SH series analogs to compete on the same pricing model as the Minibrute, would be a winner. I owned every SH from the 3A, the 5 and the 7 and each was unique….. I’d also love to see them return to the modular market with a System 100M type ‘pick and choose’ rack construction. Somehow it’s like Roland isn’t aware of what’s going on in the market any more.
I would also like a new Vsynth rack. VsynthXT-2
Ermmm…. Modular systems are a very small segment of the ‘market’ right now. Roland has an established user base of digital synth users, professional players who still need the all-in-one workstation type of instrument.
I like my FantomX, XV-5080, JD-990 and V Synth GT and XT – nothing will substiute them!
Whine whine whine… Is that all some people can do? This rack synth is a dream come true… I don’t have physical space for Fantom G or Jupiter do this makes the most sense… Great price too. Only thing Roland needs to do is to have sound editors for major DAWs other than Sonar
Does it have a VA nad FM engine? How are the piano sounds?
I don’t have physical space for Fantom G or Jupiter so a rack is what I need.
This is a film composers tool and hits the market for that just perfect.
Why limit it to only four virtual slots for SRX data? It’s 2012 for God’s sake! Memory is cheap today. Four virtual slots simply means not being able to use ANY combination of sounds from ANY board simultaneously.
Yeah, that is a bit disappointing to me, would have paid for more slots.
I hope Yamaha will follow with something that contains all the recent technology of the Motif plus AN, FM and VL technologies.
They did … but in the past. It was called EX5. One of the BEST synths EVER! Then they took out the VA and VL and developed it into the Motif we know today. Wish they get back to make real synths again.
I ‘d kill for a DX7IID-AN1x hybrid synth … or a CS80 revival …
Yeah, the EX5 was really awesome, but does seem to have been ignored by the most people for unknown reason. It would be cool to see a similar, newer machine like that one, also in rack format.
Roland have a knack for getting that “right” sound that works in a mix. I’m curious to know if this module is a racked JP80 or contains some of the models used in the JP80? In my opinion, the JP80, despite its technology, ends up sounding like an S&S keyboard. At possibly £1k less, Integra-7 looks a much more attractive proposition. The piano sound on the JP80 uses SuperNatutal modeling, and though not as good as the V-Piano or as varied as the RD70-NX is fantastic. Let’s hope Integra-7 is as good.
I have recently gone all “soft” hehe. but this is very tempting. more so if it is priced around USD1.5k. People like to whine and condemn just because it doesn’t suit their needs. Be glad there is choices in life!
I used to have a rack full of analog and digital rack gear, through the 90’s. It, all got stolen.
I Started completely using softsynths for the last few years and have tried nearly all of them.
After being ‘Soft’ for a long time now, ‘hard’ is a LOT better for sex and music.
I spend more time trying to get them to not sound like thin buzzy crap. Believe I make them very fat but the just lack that ‘SOUND’ This Roland looks ridiculously awesome. Just because you can do something on a computer doesn’t make it better. Not to mention, every 6 months some updates breaks something important.
I do not know how Integra, but watch the video, it seems like it!But maybe I need it with a 88 since Roland XP 80 I was too old, but do not know about welding new to Vietnam!How much does it cost?
I have still have a rack full of hardware Roland XV5080, DMpro, Kurzweil 2600, D550. And I also have a load of Software. But a lot of times I just want to flip one switch and start playing instead of booting up the computer and wondering is all the stuff still works (GigaStudio).
in case you want, I’ll write you posts. Copywriter searching for perform
I can’t believe the whining. This is a SICK module. Roland has the best sound, I’ve owned them all. Korg N1R module, Yamaha Motif (very good too), Roland Fantom S Workstation.
My Fantom S to this day impressed me the most. Motif has some great sounds too.
As far as Soft synths, for Virtual Analog stuff, they are impressive but buggy, complicated to integrate with Daw without having any bugs. Just a headache.
When I had 2 keyboards Yamaha CS2X + Roland Fantom S + my Korg N1R module (which I sold) I was able to make all 3 work so easily together with no bugs or issues with Cakewalk.
Soft synths require powerful processors, crash are buggy, etc…
But most of all they have strenghts in some areas. You have to buy a large amount of soft synth to compare to that Roland. And then you have a nightmare to configure and maintain.
The Roland Module has full FX inserts on all 16 parts !! So you can have 16 top notch sounds in a mix without having to work around recording audio. This is a HUGE timesaver.
I wish I would have bought the Integra 7 with a controller instead…that’s all one musician needs.
Virtual analog modelling + the very best sample based synth with unlimited sounds 6000+ !!!
A month ago i bought the integra-7 and a-88. A-88 is excellent by the way. The integra-7 sounds well just bad, cheesy sounds and i think i’m going to sell it before it loses it’s value. They done a very good job of marketing but SUPERnatural mode is laughable. Emulating real instruments properly means sophisticated physical and or cutting edge sampling techniques. No-one would be fooled by any of them (apart from some of the epianos). Yes, it’s nice to have a box outside the computer but personally a dedicated non-networked etc computer (or tablet) with some choice pluggins/multisamplers would be the better option. Or you can have a 6000+ dated sounds. Sorry Roland! (Buy the a-88 though!)