Fingerlab has updated DM1 – its virtual drum machine for the iPad – to version 3.
Here’s what’s new in DM1 v3:
- Samples import (from iPod, microphone, AudioPaste, DropBox & iTunes Folder)
- Time signature
- FX per track
- FX automation
- Pads Ribbon Automation
- Export new features (separated tracks, AAC encoding & DropBox)
- Master volume track
- 22 new drum kits
Bugs fixes:
- Timing precision
- Export issues
- Battery issues
Here’s a demo of DM1 v3:
DM1 is an virtual vintage Drum Machin app for the iPad. It comes with 64 electronic drum kits and realistic graphics,
They note that MIDI implementation is coming soon in the next update.
DM1 is $3.99 in the App Store.
If you’ve used DM1, leave a comment with your thoughts on it!
Great!! This is an awsome drum app, and this update just elevates it to the sky:) Great work Fingerlab:)
This is a great app now. And will be superb with midi. Bravo! Also, I believe it is $7.99 unless you meant another currency besides $

Show up as $3.99 for me.
$4.49 in the AUS app store.
Must be an appshopper glitch
still no midi sync : (
oh, “MIDI implementation is coming soon”… ok )
They’ve been saying that for a year now. I love almost everything about this app but cannot use it without MIDI sync.
me too
i would love to use it as a sampler for my elektron machindrum, but so far i just use it for jaming while commuting with the bus
great update for a great app!
this is by far the most polished music app for the ipad i know. (retina support! yay)
Just when I thought it was dead… What an update ! Love it !
Hi Fingerlab,
Please don’t leave iPhone out in the cold for long..
This is a cool app. Never boring. It has kept evolving. 5 big stars.
looks like a good update for an awesome app. best sounding drum machine for the ipad in my opinion. i agree about midi sync tho. its a standalone yoke without that.
Incredible app and it keeps getting better.
this is by far my fave drum machine on iOS. I have tried every single one and this one is always killer. can’t wait to mess with the new sound.
I’ve always loved this app but never liked the drum kits much. Great to see sample import and better export features! Thanks.
My favorite music making app has become even better. Tank you!!
Hell. Yes.