At the Consumer Electronics Convention, Mike Butera, founder of Artiphon, demonstrated the new Artiphon Instrument 1.
The Artiphon Instrument 1 explores the idea of a iPhone MIDI controller, executed as a professional instrument.
Like other iOS MIDI controllers, it’s compatible with CoreMIDI iOS apps. But the body of the Instrument 1 is inspired by the forms of traditional stringed instruments and constructed of fine hardwood. The Instrument 1 can be held in multiple positions–from guitar and fiddle to lap steel and upright bass.
In the video, Butera talks with TechCrunch’s John Biggs.
The Artiphon Instrument 1 is expected to be priced at about $800. See the Artiphon site for more info.
Check it out and let us know what you think of it!
Oh, look, something completely useless to everyone but “available for ipod”. Welp, better blog about it!
Oh, look, something Apple related – better post a uninformed complaint about it!
When will the lefthanded version be out?
biggest waste of two years. a lot of talking about what it’s capable of and not a lot of demonstrating. are they for real? $800?!?! i’d rather get an eigen harp pico.
Very very boring – sorry but really boring ! Mmmmmmm still boring
Why the frell would anybody make a dwarf-guitar with knobs and iphone for strings to play guitar, bass and such when there are great real instuments out there? And I noticed he said it was also ment for people to learn instruments on. And this from a multi-instrumentalists mouth!? *Facepalm*
Oh, and not to forget the violin mode. Major laughmode
“So now it is making a sound and you aren’t touching it. Where is that sound coming from?”
“Oh, thats a incoming call.”
“A new era for stringed instruments”… BWAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA!! “A third dimension of musicality”. Man.. the samples that could be pulled form this are endless. It’ll be a great looking brick when Apple changes the size of the iPhone again lol. $800?!?! Yeeeeaaahhh…..
just one word………NO
I have to say I like it. Not sure why so many people are being so negative, as a musician it seems pretty cool to me. If it replicates the instruments accurately and give you the ability to use pressure to modify sound I think its pretty cool. Any “nice instrument” is $800 bucks so not real sure why people are gawking at the price point. I do think there will be a limited market at that price point but I still think its cool.
this man is obviously a musician and opposite to the myriads of mad scientists we see everyday trying to make bleeps and noises out of their crappy devices.
Good luck with this interesting concept…..
He didn’t even attempt to play us a tune, wtf?!?! I think the guy was just havin’ a laff! I love music tech but that was poor!
that’s right. The demos are too short (but otherwise good) and their website doesn’t provide more videos.
But the concept is very smart. A boombox with midi and “pro” audio connections that can be used as an expressive multi instrument.
The problem is the I-phone with his ever changing connectors and 2 years battery life
Well….Wondering who is going to promote this piece of plastic…
Will a well known musician put his name to the test ???
Without a promotion this piece of plastic may turn into a nice lego piece instead…L O V E L Y….;-)
No good LUCK…..
Its time to get serious… emergency call to Jordan Rudess…
Banjo mode FTW