Native Instruments is teasing a new synth, promising that ‘A Revolution is Coming’.
They haven’t released anything more than a teaser and some audio demos, embedded below, but they promise it will be “One synth to rule them all.”
Check out the demos and let us know what you think!
Nasty and digital sounds, as expected….
what’s wrong with nasty and digital? i love it! here’s hoping for new reaktor with a hardware controller..:P
I recently discovered Tone2 Rayblaster, to me its the best of the newer synths on the market. However, Native Intruments is still king of the hill, and them making claims gets my attention. Might it be sold ahead of Komplete 9, and then be included? Hmmmmm……….
hmm, somehow “nasty and digital” is appealing to me
Sounds great, amazing fat analog and ethereal FM sounds… But… And the “revolution”? What’s really new in this synth?
First comment says it sounds digital, second says it sounds analog!
Which is it, guys?
Beauty is in the ear of the beholder.
It’s digital (possibly) trying to be analog, it’s all a matter of taste.
Analogue for sure.
I’m expecting a big CPU hitter – sounds huge and thick!
Actually I bet it’s massive 2 capable of analogue and digital sounds – I heard rumours about that a while back!
A true analog synth. Quite paradox for NI but i bet i’m right.
Bet you’re not….
They already publicly said there’s no hardware component
+1 for analog
im the only one actually expecting a real hardware synth from NI right now?
apparently its called monark, the names of some of the website pics gave it away
Dont expect a Hardware synth, it clearly states – ” a virtual synth with teeth”
Yes, please a hardware NI synth that also works as a audio interface and cpu to have the next KOMPLETE 9 in it, please !!!!!!
Anyone heard of a new company called Quantum 9 (or something like that) is working on a mother of all VA synths.
Someone posted the data on KVR and a pic. It is not vaporware mind you.
Here is the information from the promotional material.
? Analogue Computational Simulation Synthesizer
? 3 SHARC DSP 32Bit Floating Point – 80Bit Fixed Point Operation
? Operating Sampling Frequency @ 192khz
? Multi LCD Screens with Graphical Data Representation *Tactile Controls for Each LCD Field – NO SUBMENUS
?Over 54 Potentiometers/Encoders, 3 Dynamic Modulation Surfaces *1 x 4” x 14” High Res. Touch Screen LCD – 2 x 2” x 14” High Res. LCD Screen
? 30 Filter Types, EQ and Compression
? FX, Modulation Matrix, Arpeggiator Complex Filter Modulation
? 18 to 30 Voices, 6 – 9 Part Multitimbral – FireWire – USB – Full Midi Implementation
? 6 Outputs – 2 Inputs for External Sound Modulation
? All Anodised Alumuinium Construction
? The simplest synthesizer you will ever use in your life. Period.
The pics looked amazing, this is what every synth maker should be pushing, not this retro crap. I have already posted on KVR if anyone captured the image?
I like NI”s idea, I just wish it was HW.
I saw it on KVR as well. If this synth Quantum is real, it will put shame Access, Arturia, MOOG and every other maker. It looked to Sci-Fi! I am honestly waiting to hear something from them. Look at Edaboard dot com, I think someone posted a pic there two before it was taken down.
Someone at Synthtopia keeps deleting my post. I wonder if Quantum has contacted them and asked that the specs not be released? Anyways, yes Axial, it has three large LCD screens, and 30 voice Poly…the list is long. Not going to to post it again.
I googled “Analogue Computational Simulation Synthesizer” and found a verbose post by another Axial and Axial6.
Yes, that would be me! I have been asking anyone and everyone willing to tell me anything on this. Ever since I saw the bloody thing I just want to know if it’s real.
“Someone at Synthtopia keeps deleting my post. I wonder if Quantum has contacted them and asked that the specs not be released?”
Nice conspiracy theory – but the spam filter put your comment into the moderation queue. It’s probably because of there are a lot of unusual characters/formatting in your comment, like all the question mark bullets.
Speaking of conspiracy theories – when you post a comment as D9 and then respond to yourself using the name Axial6, from the same IP address, the spam filter probably flags that as wankery.
Ah. That’s good to know. I had wondered why some posts disintegrated into the ether.
just reading through, I don’t claim to know much about synths, i’m just enjoying the site and reading more about them…but why so cynical? lots of people who work together or have the same company, or share a wifi have the same IP address.
Yeah, entire universities have a single ip address, so really…
Sounds like the Solaris…
Cheers Zymos, it is not the Solaris. This is supposedly in the $2,500 to $3000 USD range. It looks like two giant narrow and long iPad screens with Knobs all around it. The specs say 50+ I thought I saw less. Yet the pic was not high resolution. It was however rack-mountable from what I could decipher.
Do you have a link to any other info? Couldn’t find it on KVR…
That is what I have been saying, someone took it down. Not sure why, unless the company asked them to. I am waiting for someone to send me a pic, they say they got it off the site.
I can’t post it here, but if I get it, I will repost it on KVR.
You could at least try to be a little more clever with your lame attempt to generate some hype, D9.
“Let me post something completely off topic about some vaporware on the biggest synth news of the day” – is that your marketing strategy?
I am honestly trying to find information on them. Period.
D9, you’re either a troll or a spammer.
When I googled “Analogue Computational Simulation Synthesizer”, there is a result on ONE OTHER SITE that shows a post by YOU (Axial), and your SPAM CODE IS VISIBLE IN YOUR POST.
What the fuck are you up to?
Admin: Personal attack deleted.
Please keep your future comments on topic and constructive.
I only here mono so far. I would really like to see a kickass poly come on the market besides the Prophet 12 behemoth.
Ah I see NI finally got rid of the heavy Flash animations from their website….replaced with HTML5, currently not as powerful.
This synth sounds good but I’ll just wait until they offer it for half price in a few months…..
I’d love to think the node graph shown early in the vid (:03 and :04) is a hint at a modular system, but it was probably just a cool visual.
Some of you clearly don’t know much about synthesis. You can’t have an “actual” analog synth in a digital computer. It’s not “true” analog; it’s an analog of analog.
Some of you clearly don’t understand that many of the comments were from people hoping that it would be a hardware analog synth.
Maybe people know more about synthesis than you would like to believe….
Yep, True analog is created by vibrations within a transistor. Watch a movie with Bob Moog folks. Unless you have the real deal, best VST Synth for closest-to-true Analog sounds is DIVA, hands down. NI doesn’t always advertise what is true… in my opinion….especially pushing Maschine as a full on song making application but it will never be a true multi-core DAW , only a single core sequencer.
“Vibrations within a transistor” ?????
Peter, over at CDM, actually knows what it is, but isn’t allowed to say. He did say that it is NOT hardware.
Yes – it’s not hardware.
I’m betting that it’s more like Razor but without the need for Reaktor.
Def caught my attention. Sounds like a well done VA
The future of synth is FFT.. I would suprise me it were a VA
Hopefully it will run on iPad 1.
no. but there is that facepalm app. check it out.
You’re right. iPad 1 is probably expecting too much.
nah man that´s not what i meant.
Windows 8 touch?
Well, since it’ a guessing game that’s as good a guess as any, I suppose.
from the gfx in the video it looks like a minimoog clone
Nostalgic? Yes. Familiar? Yes. Analog-ish? Yes. Revolutionary? Nope. More of the same– the kids love old-school analog. Give them more of that. There is nothing in that sounds that indicates that there is anything different about this synth.
It is possible it is better at doing what a thousand other VI’s already do. But, meh.
I like it how all these people are saying it’s analog even though it’s actually digital. Meanwhile people say analog and digital sound completely different! Also, I don’t see why this is a “Revolution.” The demos sound like 303s. I love NI though, so I still have some hope.
I think NI would be wiser to update their registration process with something less hostile and hair-pulling. After a while, it drove me away, as it did two friends who got tired of their stank customer service. If they’re so $#@! clever, let’s see them fix THAT first.
Digi-ana-VA-HW-SW-who gives a shit?
It sounds like fun. I will pay them for it. You might not.
Let’s start a war about it….
I kinda hope it runs in Reaktor like Razor… That way I’d feel more inclined to buy it :p
Still, curious to see what they’ve come up with.. I typically quite like NI stuff, even if it usually always sounds very un-analogue.. Not necessarily digital, but un-analogue.. Razor just sounds like something onto it’s own, as though it’s neither..
Yet another reason why I don’t use computers to make electronic music ;o)
I hope a hardware controller like maschine but for synths
You mean, like Kore? But with a keyboard?
Now this is a far reach, but the “one synth to rule them all” thing kinda got me thinking:
What if it’s less a synth-proper, and more of a new Komplete Environment? Say, a rackmount for your Komplete collection, allowing you to chain together multiple synths and sum their outputs while also integrating the modulation options from eachother, thus allowing you to say, use an Absynth Env to control a Massive setting….
Okay, I’ve come back down to Earth… What am I crazy?!! They would never do this.
I’m “hoping” it is a new VA synth with a built-in step sequencer that allows in-app and per-step automation of all parameters. I hope the interface is lane-driven with step-sequencing ala Numerology and capable of Elektron-style parameter locking. Would fit in nicely with the whole “synth revolution” concept. Someone needs to do this properly. There isn’t any current software (that I know of) that grants the immediacy and fun of working that way.
I also think it might be a new version of KORE.
Also hopeful that they re-hash the FFT stuff done with Spektral Delay or renew the vocoding concepts laid out Vokator. Those were some of the coolest plugins NI ever made.
Lastly, I’m hoping it’s something completely new. Off the wall, bugged out, interesting, novel, and capable of new sounds. Subtractive synthesis and FM have been done to death. With the exception of modular gear, there isn’t much that excites me any more. It’s all the same stuff, with a different UI or a spec bump… prove me wrong.
Hi Goku,
If stepwise automation/control of all parameters is what you want, have you tried using Renoise as a host? I’ve been doing that with every plugin I have.
I’m not buying this hype and I’m pretty sure time will prove me right. I’m what you might call a synth veteran having bought my first synth in 1974, a Roland SH-3A and of course back then those electronic sounds were revolutionary. The next time I gasped in amazement was the PPG. That was also the last time. Yes, sampling amazed me, but that’s not true synthesis. Polyphonic analogue synthesis was great, but no real surprise to someone liked to multitrack layered sounds to tape. So telling me something is going to be a revolution is… if my understanding of the word is correct – “inconceivable”
but not impossible…
No, not impossible. But I’m not hearing anything on the demos that has me thinking…”I have never, ever in my life heard anything remotely like this”
I couldn’t agree with you more..
Besides, i’m bored of being amazed- it doesn’t amaze me any more..
Never has there been a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than the hostile comments section on Synthtopia.
I think it sounds pretty good.
Welcome to the internet, where leaving an open conversation becomes a troubling, ruthless place of hate. Since when did making music or even creativity in general become such a one sided thing?
“Revolutionary” is just a marketing spin on 30+ years old technique of subtractive synthesis packed in glitzy GUI. 99.9% of software synths are rehashing decades-old ideas and selling them overpriced to techno-geeks. If you want anything close to revolutionary, you should look away from VSTs, including NI. If you just want to fiddle with retro knobs and sounds and pretend you’re being hi-tech, this is probably a fine synth.
I think this will be a PPG Realizer rehash. A post by someone named Whyterabbyd on another forum made it go click for me.
Think about it. One synth to rule them all.
If yo listen to the demo you hear what? Moog, FM, Wavetable, and what sounds like vintage flavoured samples.
If you watch the video you see how you can allot slots for various engines.
I don’t know for sure, but Realizer makes the most sense for me.
I see a lot of people here familiar with the tactics which have me tired of playing the NI games. release it now, sell it cheaper in a couple months, or release it as part of something else. on and on the NI games go. Keep it proprietary enough to make it difficult and crappy customer service because we are just that cool. Truth is, Massive changed the world of dance music. Better or worse, all you need to make most top 10 songs now, is Massive, Sylenth, and Nexus. I am excited to see what this new synth is, but am not yet hearing anything that says I will need it the day it is released. There will be Sylenth presets in a couple of weeks after its release, and nexus packs soon after that. haha
If you pause the video right around 0:03, 0:11 and 0:18, you can see the knob layout and labeling of a MiniMoog. At 0:06, they show the diagram of a diode ladder filter, which is the classic Moog filter. Arturia’s agreement with Moog ended in 2012…
The big M does not stand for Monark or Massive: it stands for Moog and their new partnership with Native Instruments.
The next clue: a brief screenshot of a Reaktor ensemble. I’m guessing there will be Reaktor components created in partnership with Moog, so a MiniMoog emulation inside Reaktor is only the beginning.
Yes it does stand for Monark, look it up on their site.
well, it looks like my predictions were wrong… sort of. The M does stand for Monark, but it is a MiniMoog clone inside Reaktor. That’s not very revolutionary… kinda lame, actually.
That was really disappointing…
Just what the musician’s have been begging for: yet another MiniMoog plugin… and NI says it’s a revolution…
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