Developer BeepStreet has released an update to Sunrizer, its advanced software synth for the iPad.
Sunrizer is already one of the most advanced synths on iOS, with flexible synthesis options, a flexible arpeggiator and MIDI and AudioBus support. The latest update takes Sunrizer even further, adding new effects, new filter types, DropBox support, new presets and more.
Here’s what’s new in Sunrizer 2.5:
- New effects: rotary speaker, equalizer as a separate module
- Dual band effects processing
- New filter types: Analog LP12, Waveshaper, Resonator, Resampler, LPF + Resampler, Frequency shifter. Filter key tracking for filter B.
- Stereo filters in parallel mode
- Phrase sequencer
- Keyboard velocity simulation
- ARP: random mode added
- Recordings export via DropBox
- Support for AudioBus v.1.0.1
- 2 banks added: New Horizon and ( 135 new presets )
- Adjustable polyphony
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Sunrizer is available now in the App Store for $6.99.
If you’re a Sunrizer user, let us know what you think of it!
Good news, everyone!
Except for us iPhone customers, who didn’t even get the last update.
Always make it universal if you don’t have the strength to support two different apps.
Theres no reason to defend separate apps when universal is possible. Universal isn’t only money thing for a customer, its more convenient to be able to use the same app in both iOS devices.
Universal 4ever! Separate apps mean worse product for a customer and is a rip off.
Why pay for an app developer to develop for two platforms, if you only use one?
With Sunrizer, you’re asking the developer to pack a lot of stuff into a miniscule interface, and it doesn’t make sense for them to do that work if people don’t need it. And there’s no way to know if users need the iPhone version with a universal app.
Of course users would like to use their software in all devices that have the operating system! What do you mean? That we must start buying Windows software for each different screen that we have? Crysis the Laptop which doesn’t get support and the actual Crysis the Desk top? Do you mean, that iPhone doesn’t need apps? Why would anyone have iPhone then?
-The app is already mostly complete.
-Before updates their functionality were the same
-Interface is the easiest part, and the most of it is ready
-There are more complicated synths available for iPhone. Even Cassini fits just nicely in the pocket.
-People don’t always have iPad with them. Try to fit it into your pocket
-iPhone is usually always in the pocket
-Sometimes the musical idea comes when the iPad is in home
-It would be nice to have one universal app, that shares patches and now sequences
-Now vainly separated apps makes one of them gimped, with no hope of getting similar support
-And If it gets support, its taken from the development time.
How the universal is so difficult concept to understand? If it was universal from the start, it would be better app. Are the people disliking universal apps really customers, or what is this?
Just downloaded it. Haven’t been able to try out everything yet but the new filters are evil. I can’t be too objective about Sunrizer, I love it.
yeah, the new filters are pretty great. good app keeps getting better.
Haven’t downloaded the update yet but Sunrizer is still my favorite iOS synth.
Another good update. These guys keep supporting the App
And keep giving more presets.
And so does the Power LPF (54 -80s movies is a great patch).
The Analog LP12 sounds good
They should really release it as a AU plugin. It’s one of the best synths on iPad hands down
The most powerful synth on IOS just got even more powerful
I just love this synth. Thanks Bleep Street for keep updating.
The new sequencer was a perfect addition
I have and M-Audio Venom and a Roland Gaia SH-01 and I still regard the Sunrizer as my main synth (slaved through my Casio Privia PX-3S) – it simply blows everyone away, I have a series of other iPad apps but I keep coming back to the Sunrizer as my main app. The updates are simply awesome, as are the new sound banks. One huge fan.
Fantastic: the max polypony now is 20 voices (7 in the past!!)
Amazing update to amazing synth app. The first thing i downloaded when i got my ipad.
I’m trying to imagine how cool (cooler?) it would look with animoog style knobs. Wonder how difficult it would be for these synth apps to have a customizable knob graphic setting?
ANyway, thank you beep street.
Agreed! The ability to have custom skins would keep the interface from getting old (tired of the look? change it!), and help out in different lighting situations.
Yeah Animoog knobs, or something in Magellan style. Would make this….. godlike.
With TB Midi Stuff’s new knobs, you could make a controller for Sunrizer that would look any way that you would like. Sunrizer is my favorite synth on iOS and arguably my favorite synth period. I wish BeepStreet would also make a granular synth…. And the presets are top notch. I haven’t figured out where the phrase recorder is…. am I missing something?
Sunrizer is my go to synth when controlling via Cantor — as the glide is seamless. These updates sound fantastic.
AND….props to Those presets are quality! Right down to the volume level.
Indeed. I’ve been checking them, but it’s taking too long to listen to all of them. I stop on almost every one of them. Masterful crafted patches.
Congrats to both BeepStreet and App-sound.