Should Technics bring back the classic SL-1200 turntable?
At least 10,000+ people thinks so. They’ve signed a petition that asks Panasonic to bring back the legendary wheels of steel.
Here’s the text of the petition:
In October 2010, leading Japanese electronics company Panasonic announced that the legendary and symbolic Technics 1200 would no longer be sold. As one of the most iconic pieces of DJ equipment ever made the announcement to cease distribution was yet another blow for analogue enthusiasts the world over.
For turntable-fanatics we’ve seen technology advance expeditiously and that’s not to say there are no benefits to the digitalisation of music – there are plenty, it’s of course great for music at large. However we feel that there’s a place for vinyl and the traditional DJ’ing and turntablism is too – and this is where we feel the Technics SL 1200s are vital. After all, vinyl sales have been rising year on year for some time now having a recent resurgence, so quality equipment should surely be available to play records with.
Since originally launching in 1972, Panasonic have sold around 3.5 million of the Technics SL-1200 model turntables and with the demand for Vinyl steadily rising, I Want to launch a petition to see how many other music enthusiasts feel the same. If you’d like to support the movement, join the petition to bring the Technics SL 1200 back into production !
You can add your name to the petition at the site.
just as good half or less the price.
Just sayin
Well, Audio Technica is definetly a top notch company in turntable tradition, mostly known for their great pick ups. I just dont know how their own turntable nowadays is in terms of quality?
Experiences, anybody?
NEEEEVER!!! YOU MUST NOT BE A FREESTYLE DJ.? ??? Ain’t NOTHING LIKE 1200’s that’s like saying a Z-71 is an ESCALADE KML
Having just spent 270 quid getting my 1210’s serviced for the second time since 1994, I couldn’t agree more. I went digital a few years ago, but still can’t part with my decks ;0)
Yes they should, but not the mk2 models, which is what I’ve got, that pitch lock is too annoying and still catches me out some 20+ years later. I’d like to see the mk3 & mk5 make a return.
I’m not a fan of turntables nor retro technology that much, but hell if some people want it – give it to them! Even I could get tempted one day. I like retro design of furniture and old houses. A turntable would complete a picture like that.
my problem with Technics (Panasonic) is the bogus reasons they gave for getting out of the turntable market. problems with getting parts and so on…well no one else seams to have that problem. look at how many companies are selling them now that the top spot is vacated, including reloop.
as far as reliability we’ll have to wait and see how the other companies do. but there’s very few bars and clubs around here that have any turntables in the booth anymore.
yes, but with a higher torque motor, and a switch for classic(lower torque) mode so anyone who has used the original for years can get the same tactile feedback for scratching
the Vestax pro line from circa 2000 had more features but seemed more like toys than music equipment, Technics had that old school build quality you rarely find anymore
a removable/replaceable phono cable, and maybe but not really necessary, an integrated high quality(better than budget sound card) A/D converter
Perhaps if the 10,000 signers included a nonrefundable $300 deposit with their signature, Technics would pay attention!
Moni has asked me to look into the UK side of things regarding this petition, and I can happily confirm that talks are already with UK distributors with buying power to place orders for Technics SL1210mk2 units (and 1200mk2)
The reason for the mk2 units is that they are the most popular and most accurate as they have an analogue pitch control. No need for gimmicks – the mk2 is where its at.
As a service engineer I can confirm that Technics build quality and manufacturing tolerances are far superior to any other DJ brand (including brands who are releasing turntables) and the DJ industry knows this. It is an unwritten rule that only Technics will do when it comes to DJing. There are also ethical reasons for this.
I shall be compiling a technical report which will be sent to Panasonic with the petition.
And to avoid any confusion, I can also confirm that no patents/copyrights have been given to pioneer by panasonic.
Lets get Technics back to where they should be, as always, the industry standard.
Keep signing the petition – even though we have passed the 10,000 mark, the more the merrier!