ASIO4ALL, a Universal ASIO Driver For WDM Audio, has received its first major update in four years.
ASIO4ALL 2.11 is a combined 32/64 bit version, supporting Win 98SE/ME/2k/XP/MCE/2003/XP64 and Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8.x x86/x64.
Here’s what’s new in version 2.11:
- Improvement: Make an attempt to reclaim an unavailable audio device, includes workaround for a (confirmed) Windows bug.
- Improvement: Add general fixed factor resampling capabilty
- Improvement: Latencies now displayed for the preferred buffer size, if host elects to violate the spec.
- Improvement: Support for single common sample rate that is *not* a multiple of 8 or 11.05
- Workaround: Realtek PULL mode not supported for “odd” ASIO buffer sizes. Symptom was a “Beyond Logic” error depending on ASIO buffer size.
- Fix: Potential application compatibility issue regarding ASIO reset request message
- Fix: Increased latency in x64 mode
- Fix: Pull mode _and_ latency display now working
- Fix: ASR issue with MSVC 2013 x64 -> Performance impact with hosts compiled with MSVC 2013
- Fix: UI appearance with different system locale
- Fix: Hang with some x64 hosts
- Fix: Crash on exit of A4Apanel64.exe
- Fix: Minor memory leak
- Fix: All known 2.11 Beta(1,2) regressions fixed
Download at the ASIO4All site.
via aymat
Always on my thumb drive!
This makes me happy even though i only understand half of what that means.
Did they fix all the annoying crackling? I tried using ASIO4ALL again recently, with the the TB-3’s internal USB audio interface. It made my system spaz so hard. I spent hours on it and the best I could get was only crackling some of the time. It was entirely impractical to record any audio in Ableton while using ASIO4ALL, because the crackles would end up on the recorded track. This was with just the TB-3 and my Focusrite Scralett 18i6, so it wasn’t like I was trying to use some silly shit like a SoundBlaster or motherboard’s Realtek.
It’s because the TB and TR use a sample rate of 96Khz, which is very taxing on the CPU. You can more or less fix it by increasing the buffer size.
i have no crackling with pt11 demo here, btw im at 44/16….
Your computer is probably too slow for the sampling rate and buffer size you’ve picked. Increase the buffer/delay and the crackling will go away. That’s the sound ASIO4ALL makes when you’re pushing through more data than your computer can handle.
Did you see the warning at the asi4all site?
“There has been a mixup with the 2.11 downloads that has been corrected now. If you downloaded your ASIO4ALL 2.11 before having read this, please re-download and re-install!
Symptom of an old (broken) download would be stuttering playback with x64 hosts. Sorry for the inconvenience! “
That post was made on June 20th (three days ago).
‘Did they fix all the annoying crackling? I tried using ASIO4ALL again recently,”
I use it everytime I fire up Live, no crackling here. Well, if I set buffers to 64 and load up a lot of CPU hungry plugins.
I think it still comes down to the specific interface, or at least that makes a difference….
Why is a poorly supported third party hack even necessary?
For the same reasons Audiobus is necessary….
But seriously, ASIO4ALL is only necessary if you do not have a true ASIO low latency card. ASIO4ALL gives low latency to any soundcard.
not exactly any, but to a lot of ’em.
Because ASIO specifies that only a single device can be used at a time, and because Windows can’t aggregate multiple devices. And because some devices don’t even have low latency drivers or support ASIO.
Where’s the Mac version?
Oh – not needed!
Its not necessary on a Mac because you already paid double the price for those computers ;D
Keep telling yourself that, while you download a poorly supported hack that might allow you to use your computer to stuff you can do on a phone these days!
So why do you need Audiobus? Audio sharing/copy should not require a “poorly supported hack” as you call it.
Any why apps do not have access to a simple shared folders? Why can’t many apps access the same files? This is like “the” most basic computer stuff you should be able to do, even on a phone.
Let me know when someone makes a true DAW for phones without any of these restrictions.
I don’t know who these people are but asio4all got me out of many sticky situations over the years. It runs on every windows machine I’ve ever used from 98SE all the way up to Win8 64bit. It should be a part of the standard windows release.
Until I got my Saffire, this saved my ass numerous times. Great program.
Ok, i’ll about to DL and install. I’m using XP (yep, still even after the support cut off date) and my interface is a Scarlett 8i6. I’m wondering what you meant in the above post – “until i got my Saffire”. If I eventually upgrade to a Focusrite Saffire, will i not need asio4all?
Don’t bother using it with a Saffire. On a Pro 40 for example, a widespread device, you can’t even use all your ins and outs (8in/8out max) with ASIO4ALL. I was hoping this would be fixed during this yearly (!) update, but no… Also be prepared for still not being able to choose recording at 48kHz (or even opening a project at that samplerate). You only get 11, 22, 44 and 88 kHz. Yes, that’s right, no joke. If it wasn’t for iConnect MIDI which requires aggregation, I would never even think about installing this.
So I’m switching back and forth between Focusrites reliable driver which never produces any crackles, and ASIO4ALL which leads to crackles if you don’t change buffer every 10 minutes and more or less generally distorted recordings (on the same ports that record ok with original driver) from outboard gear. (Of course this was confirmed on multiple machines.)
ASIO4ALL had it’s merits around 2002 when it made ASIO available on cheap onboard sound. With pro hardware, better forget about it and use manufacturers’ drivers at all costs.
“had it’s merits around 2002 when it made ASIO available on cheap onboard sound.”
That was the whole point of ASIO4ALL, it was created because nobody would do ASIO drivers for cheap sound cards even thought it was possible and ASIO drivers were only reserved for professional sound cards (hence the name ASIO-FOR-ALL). It was never meant to be used with pro hardware that already has its own ASIO driver.
ASIO4ALL is still awesome at doing this even in 2014. I personally use it on my laptops when I am not carrying my huge MOTU card.
wow, Norton just told me it needs ‘attention’. Basically not enough people have used it yet to see if it’s stable. I’m pretty sure it will be, i’ll get back to ya…
Focusrite drivers are ok but, there is still going to be some latency. Playback is fine but when you record, there is some delay on heavyweight VST’s. ASIO4ALL is the one to use.