A blimp, emblazoned with the Aphex Twin logo, appeared over London earlier today.
No announcement has been made about the unique blimp.
Here’s a wide view of the blimp, via Jack Cooper:
Here’s another view, via Jonathan Lind:
Why is an Aphex Twin blimp flying over London? Leave a comment and let us know what you think!
haha who needs the internet when you have a blimp. love it
New album?
Im surprised his face isnt on it.
Pink Floyd did that in 1994, 1987 and 1994….
i mean.. 1977, 1987 and 1994
it probably escaped from his blimp home collection. I mean if the tank thingy was real, i can picture him with those inside the house
I’m in favor of blimps in general, so props to AT. It looks great!
It’s over-inflated hype
this one flew right over my head
No doubt a very fat sound.
he’s probably just announcing a special dump he will take at random from his blimp, and the lucky person who finds it… finds it.
It looks like a good target for a Phantom drone to attack with its propellers.
Intriguing…… I would welcome a new Aphex Twin release. It’s been a while.
but what does it sound like
This *is* the new album – it’s the experience of seeing a blimp in hackney.
The next album will be just his face randomly appearing on websites you visit
The third in the trilogy will be the weird monster from the come to daddy video appearing in your dreams, but just in your peripheral vision.
Apparently two new albums on warp around september.
That is not a blimp. It is a barrage balloon. If you’d studied a bit of history, particularly with respect to London and the Blitz, you’d know the difference.
The OED definition of a blimp:
2 A small airship or barrage balloon.
Plus, this is synthtopia.com, not
“A barrage balloon, sometimes called a “blimp,” is a large balloon tethered with metal cables.”
shoot the man.
Effing waste of money that could have gone to a genuinely good cause. His fans will buy albums blimp or no blimp!