Soundtoys has released the latest in their series of Process videos, featuring Nine Inch Nails.
The final video of three in their NIN series looks at the group’s use of effects as a creative tool.
You can see all the videos in the series via the playlist below.
I truly love Trent and NIN, but this is just a boring ad.
i still have my NIN t shirt from 1991
pretty hate machine was the only album i liked
bands change
agreed trent is great creative mind but i don’t want to emulate his sound or path so using footage of him talking about the way he works or using your gear is not pushing me toward buying your gear. sry
Using effects as creative tools. As opposed to using effects as……what exactly?
Using cars as transport machines.
At the very least, I think it’s interesting to hear the band talk about how they set up the live set.