Russian modular case manufacturer MDR.modular has introduced MicroRack – a new modular format designed to make bulky modular synthesizers a thing of the past.
The MicroRack is based on the same concepts as Eurorack modulars, but scaled to fit in your pocket.
Full details on the saratov.micro + “sputnik” micro are to be announced. In the meantime, check out the photos and let us know what you think of the idea of a pocket-sized modular synth!
See the MDR Facebook page for more info.
Happy April Fools everyone. Now, if we could actually get to work on this, that’d be great thaaaanks
In Russia, oscillator modulate YOU. –Lt. Pavel Chekhov, USS Enterprise
If you’d made them intellijel it would have seemed almost plausible.
Korg will also be doing a semi-modular microrack with microkeys.
Sure it’s April 1, but I REALLY want this.
….still less of a joke than the AlphaSphere
Yes, it’s undoubtedly some clever wag goofing around, but with these old eyes it’d never work for me anyway.
Could you see Keith Emerson or Wendy Carlos with a pocketful of tweezers and a magnifying glass?
It would certainly prevent a goodly number of arguments with my wife.
Seriously funny shit there! There would just be a microargument right?
Check out the Lush Projects modular (originally posted here on Synthtopia), not too much bigger actually.
I’d buy that for a dollar.
Is this from Teenage Engineering? I gotta have one at any price!
“MicroRack Makes easy tweaking and parameter access a thing of the past”
Does it come with a Dr. Mindbender action figure? If so, then SOLD!
Please make this into a keychain or something useful. I will buy it.
Smaller Modulez=Same price
Did you guys hear? Behringer is coming with an own modular system
Aw.. gutted when I realized it was only an April fools.. I just ordered plastic surgery to get smaller fingers. I mean all synths come with tiny tiny keys these days – so why not knobs!??
Yep – April Fools obviously. If it were’nt how the hell would you manipulate the knobs or patch the damn thing… This is a good April Fools though…
Shipping to Mexico?
Tweezers sold separately
what is this a synth for ants?
UHM hate to say this but there is something like this
google “”altoid tin synthesizer””
UHM an altoid tin synth does not have the capabilites of a full modular synth setup though. It’s not the same. altoid synths aren’t even modular
Amazing idea