At Moogfest 2016, Moog was displaying three new, unannounced Eurorack modules, as part of its Global Synthesizer installation, above.
According to our contact at Moog, two of the modules – the Geodesic Sampler and the Geospatial Reverb – are custom builds, specific to the Global Synthesizer.
The third module, the Brother From Another Mother, was designed as a project for ‘Engineer VIP’ attendees to build at the event:
The Brother From Another Mother (BFAM) is a module, in Eurorack format, that is designed to be a complete analog synth and sequencer, but also to be a complement to the previously released Mother-32 and other Euro modules.
The Brother From Another Mother offers a basic synth voice, with:
- a single VCO, with saw & pulse wave forms;
- Noise;
- Mixer;
- ADSR envelope;
- VCF with cutoff and resonance and VCF EG Amount control;
- An 8-stage analog step sequencer, with control over glide, gate length & clock rate and per-step gate control; and
- 16 patch points.
The workshop BFAM has a silver panel with black type, instead of the black panel with white type of the Global Synthesizer version:
Officially, the Brother From Another Mother synth module was designed specifically for the Moogfest Engineer VIP Workshop. We’d be surprised, though, if the BAFM doesn’t get a broader release, at some point.
The BFAM was introduced to Moogfest Engineer VIP attendees, during a two-day synth DIY workshop, led by Moog engineers:
Additional photos: Eva Lewin Photography
I ordered a Mother-32 as soon as it was anounced, and I love it. I’d do the same for a BFAM if it was around the same price. Looks like a perfect complement to the Mother-32.
So it’s just a very stripped down Mother 32, in effect? And takes up the same amount of space?
Given the cost of the previous VIP kit and the Mother, this would likely be 400 something and at that point…
I would actually be quite surprised if this made it into normal production.
Not quite. Moog are obviously looking to cater for those of us who would love a sequencer in the style of their classic Modular step sequencers. Easier to use on the fly, no menu diving, no multi button presses. intuitive, quick, effective, extremely cool looking.
Yeah, why would that go into “normal production’.
Admin: Personal attack deleted. Keep comments on topic and constructive.
It has a real ADSR, something I really wish the Mother 32 did.
It alse seems to have a much nicer sequencer. Question remains, though, whether or not it can be used to sequence external stuff – like for example the Mother 32 :/
I think it will. If I recall the big reason the sequencer couldn’t be decoupled was due to how the midi needed to be connected.
Yes it can, we’ve tried that. What it can’t properly do is drive another BFAM as you get some jitter. Makes interesting effects, though…
Whatever you mean by “real”, but yeah, it has 4 Pots for ADSR and one for gate length. You also have gate in/out and gate length in patch points.
I also love the silver finish, very classic. Like my dads old stereo!
ok, ok now what about the sister ?
I want to know about this swag dad who gets around.
Would buy in a heartbeat to compliment the M32. Along w/ the two-tier stand! Take my money, Moog!