Roland today announced that it is celebrating 909 Day (9/09/2016) with a 24-hour online music festival and the introduction of 30+ different pieces of gear, including five new synthesizers and more.
More than 30 new Roland musical instrument products are scheduled to debut during streaming video broadcasts from VIP events in eight major cities around the world on September 9 (#909day). Roland will introduce new synthesizers, digital pianos, electronic drums, DJ equipment, BOSS guitar related products, and a new genre of musical instrument never offered before by Roland.
Here’s their trailer for the the 909 Day event:
Roland’s music and musical instruments festival will span multiple times zones and feature live performances, new product debuts, product demonstrations, and interviews with leading artists.
Starting at 4:00UTC on September 9th, Roland will unleash new musical instruments in Tokyo, Berlin, Brussels, Paris, Toronto, NYC, Los Angeles and more.
The event will be streamed via the Internet on Roland’s site on September 9.
Got ideas on what Roland will be introducing? Leave a comment with your thoughts!
This must include an 8 voice system 1
Electric bagpipes!
A new genre of musical instrument never offered before 0_0
No there are already midi bagpipes – been there done that !
With wireless midi of course.
Well I would be very glad if they would introduce a poly system 1m with at least 6 voices
The system 1m is a poly (4 voices), just not when you’re using the patch points (which makes sense).
Not more friggin teasers please.
that’s behringer that is doing that
roland has been loosing in the new synth golden age. maybe they will turn it around. but i would much rather support the others paving the new way.
I feel like the whole aira range must have sold like crazy, so I think they made decent money in that department lately.
snot about the money or how things sold in my opinion. i think aspects of aira line are great. but there are lots of other stuff out there that is more inspiring and more classic that roland has dropped the ball on. but just IMO.
Hopefully, their design department will come with less loud colours!
Well I like that…style is important
Teasers are the way they can advertise it to us way before it’s ready, then sell it to us in beta. Then update the software a few times..over about 12 months….and still leave out some obvious stuff that we REALLY WANT….Though to be fair to Roland I do love my Tr8 & Tb-3 and they were mostly right str8 OTB..And I am looking forward to this greatly (retires confused)
PLEASE…not more AIRA digital crap.
Get with the program Roland.
I think they where going somewhere with the system-1, fraq raq and boutique synths. I would think the hardest to go against is Korg who’s low price gear has a very large selction (plus don’t forget the software end)
I have to agree that that 4 voice limit they have on some gear is not helping, maybe bring out a clone module which can give you additional voices but without all the extra knobs. A black box which would snap below the synth module and is slaved to the above unit. That way you don’t have to buy 2 ju-06 to get the 8 voice you want and have to figure on where you want to put the extra
Fraq — lol
don’t hold your breath
24 hour event on the 9th… so check this web site on the 10th to read the results in less than 60 seconds.
The new Roland stuff WILL BE AT KNOBCON SEPTEMBER 9-11!!
I want the voices and processor ability of a D-50, with knobs, in a form I can fit in my laptop bag. Not fussed about it having keys or not.
My money is on cut-down “buy 2 to get full polyphony” JX-10, D-50 or maybe JP-8000 for Boutique series.
how about a 909? With minikeys?
no, kidding but a small (minibrutish), analog and individual outs for each voice 909 would drive me insane. In a sane way, I think.
Would love a Juno 106 module with 6 – 8 voices. But not the crappy little boutique format.
That’s why the used market exists. An actual 6-voice Juno-106 is pretty easy to find, so why would Roland try to compete against that?
I actually rather like the Boutique line’s no-frills-but-fully-functional form factor. The most important thing is the sound of course, and they all sound great.
…especially as Behringer have just made essentially an updated 12-voice Juno!
I’d love to know what Roland think about the blatant styling, but glad someone stepped up to the plate and made something people want at a good price.
Yeah man that Behringer thing is pretty cool – I’d call it a full-featured DCO analog that can sound like a Juno. I don’t mean to sound like a fanboy, but when a synth gets a second oscillator, a mod matrix, loopable envelopes, multiple variable-waveshape LFOs, and a dynamic unison with detune, I think we do it a disservice by calling it an “updated Juno”.
I think it will bring the end of the Prophet-08.
Those are awesome add on features that are in no way required to be used.
The basic voice architecture of the DM12 is based on the Juno 106 and will easily be able to sound like one.
Uhm, ever hear about the voice chip problem of the juno -106?
It actually affects several of Roland’s synths from that time
Yup. And now that it’s easily fixed, it’s not a big issue.
Just place the chip in acetone for a few hours, then they sound like new!
Actually I have a Juno 106. What I wouldn’t give to get something with at least 6 voices. Sorry 4 voices is utter nonsense in this day and age. As most Juno 106 owner will find out is that these keyboards are old enough now that their voice chips begin to fail (not easy to repair) and the sliders start to fail too. The Behringer DM12 takes the idea of the Juno but ends up in different territory. What made the 106 so great is its simplicity and its limitations. The Boutiques are interesting but still in Volca / Reface toy-land.
“30 (!!!) new products”??? Oh shit. Looks like they shelved the 16-pad sampler/workstation Gearslutz commenter “The Knoq” had talked about in favor of more cheap junk. Sad. “The Knoq” wrote he saw a promo video that blew his mind (“Maschine/MPC killer”). The guy is a highly credible source. He knew about the MPC Touch way ahead in advance.
I’d be really surprised if Roland doesnt release the type of sampler you are referring to.
I’d like to see a sampling workstation type MPC type thing from Roland, one that used APC tech & if it can incorporate Ablton live support like the Korg Electribe that’ll get me excited no end. 30 products! that’s quite the haul really, interested to see what comes out:)
There’s no reason to suspect that a sampler/workstation couldn’t be one of the new synths coming out.
I wish they offer VST and/or iOS versions of D50 & JD-800 JD990.
true, right now all they got is a GS module
Someone else does have a jp-8080 type clone though
No more mini keys please!
Just sayin’…
I would like the analog chorus, like from a Juno, in a standalone guitar stomp box or eurorack format
Also the sh 101
Curious about the drum offerings. New E-kits or an update to the SPD-SX?
there is going to be a drum mashine thats for sure.
Roland such be celebrated all the time :O)
How about a 49 key version of the a-90?
love its action, but its huge and would be nice to get it in size that better fits
Perhaps even more miniature keyed instrument that only ants will be able to play.
Please give us some proper sized stuff. Make a bigger System 1 and make more complex synthesisers
Probably a 909 for the System 1 drum machine whatever it is called
I have a feeling it’s analog/digital…an expansion of the boutique line. Roland’s been trying, I think they just might come up with a few winners. The promo is nice and exotic…we could see them pushing a “rebranding” of the Roland name, a more “mature” step forward. This promo isnt anything like the one they did for the Aria product line. I’ve got a hunch they have something special they are going to share. ????
I would just like them to add more updates to the TR8 and aira efx unit that I have. Please more submodules for my scooper!
Roland Corp: “Yo dawg, we heard you like D-Beams, so we put a D-Beam in your D-Beam.”
Please god. Make it so.
I hope they release a new sampler. I don’t care if it’s MPC-style of SP-404-style, just that it’s new and real.
The Dj gear will definitely have 2 D-Beams for Hi Pass “Put yo Hands up” filter sweeps, and too loud V-Fart™ Synthesis.
I want an analog poly to compete with the minilogue. It has to have more voices, comparable features, and a thicker sound for about the same price.
Some of you are right… others no.
I know the complete program but not allowed to say…. too bad…
Pics/Video or it didn’t happen.
No one believes your rubbish statement.
What they need to announce is that they hired Tats.
Roland have the technical know-how, sound design, sample libraries, and manufacturing ability to make whatever synth & drum kit products their product and marketing departments believe will sell. They’ve obviously had a big success with the AIRA range, they’ve tested the waters for true analogue with the JD-Xi and JD-Xa – and they’ll have taken note of the success of the KORG MiniLogue…
My guess: all your wet dreams will come true
Im not sure if i want my wet dreams to come true.
Eventualy a secret fartboard will come with any of the new rigs
There is a extra slot inside of every boutique line synth waiting for extra voice card.
I wish I could get 8 voices to JP-08
you can…buy 2 jp-08’s and they daisy chain together,
?) asked for by many folks.
1. System 8m (run all plug-outs, multi-timbral)
2. CR78 for TR-8 (free
3. An Analog 8 voice Poly with Voltage Control
(Hopefully also rack mounted)
4. More Eurorack modules.
5. More Aira stuff (something 909 and more
Voltage control, but what ?)
6. Boutique plugouts for System 1(m)
There is now a JP-08 and the Jupiter-80 (/Integra7) which come very close to Jupiter 8 sounds, so guess Roland will not further embark the road of recreating legacy stuff but more going towards the INTEGRATION of Digital/Analog Synth, keys/modular and DJ gear.
roland kit that is due an update:
roland TD-30 kit is over 4 years maybe a td-40?
roland spdx sample multi pad…new one too?
juno… update…maybe a full sized juno based on the boutique engine.
tr-09 boutique
tb 303 boutique
tr 606 boutique
Fa-06 update too? Fa07 with 76 keys and LOTS of sliders…basically the layout from the jd-xa
but without the backlighting.
here’s hoping!
I don’t understand why Roland would make the Boutique TR-808, TR-909, TR-606, and kill the TR-8. Plus they just added the TR-606 sounds to the TR-8. Yes I think it would be cool as these would be items to collect, like the other Boutique limited runs, also as long as they keep the price around 299.00 per unit like the other Boutiques, As far as Aria I could see them coming out with maybe a “Sampling TR-909 type machine like the MC-909 but using ACB technology not A Rompler. As far as modular Maleko said that those 5 units where it for his company since they designed them and made them for Roland. If Roland comes out with more modular stuff it would probable be digital. There is talk of a Roland Aira System-8 synth with more plug out capabilities, polyphony etc. But Roland is advertising products that have never been released. I could see some new TR-909 kicks etc for the TR-8 but who knows. Only a few weeks away till we will all really know. I have collected all the Roland Aira line and the Boutique line.
I dream to se a MV-909 the evolution from the powerful MV8800… MPC style, hardware sequencer/sampler/virtual analog APC, modern storage and taking some reference in the new Electribes innovations. The hardware MIDI sequencer era needs to come back.
A new V-Synth? a real, stable and original instrument.
And please create things powerful and creative and not only remakes of old ideas with the same limitations (or less).
I’d be excited to see a new version of the Aira mixer with more I/O for non aira owners. Seems really fun and useful but I own exactly no aira gear.
Inner cynic says 25 of the new products will be comprised of electronic drum hardware and boss pedals. The video was delightfully wubwubwubless so I’m at least a little hopeful.
new sampler, hopefully tr style, sick of 8×8/16×16 grids
analog poly with more than 4 voices is a given
full feature fm/linear digital
rackable/euro mx1 or something similar ???
maybe a 909 though i cant see them making a new drum machine the tr8, at this point, is heaven sent and just needs an update if anything..
nobody is making 500-1000$ analog drum machines i cant see them taking that upon themselves either.
i know some people in Poland
Hope Roland will come out with a 2,4 or 8 port USB audio aggregation switch which is not limited to just Aira gear like in the MX-1. The industry need a push towards USB audio standardization and get away from proprietary implementations. If one big company could push the trend, it should be Roland. Standard audio, just like the standard USB MIDI for data.
Here’s a slept on Roland device (that nobody’s) begging to be reissued: SP-606. Which is a pity because It was ahead of its time as a sampler & audio interface. Plus it sold with it’s own mini-DAW.
How about this? Update the SP-606 with 2016 stats, new user interface, a proper midi sequencer, DAW integration & keep the standalone option. Price it right & Roland’s nailed the sampler market for years to come.
I’ve always wanted Roland to re-issue the original System 100 (not the 100m) – it was the first synth I’ve ever played, and I’ve always been nostalgic for one. But having released the System 500, which is essentially an updated System 100M, there seems little business case for a System 100 in its original format. So, if not a 100, then obviously a Jupiter 8 as an alternative to the Boutique JP-08. I’ve tried the latter and the controls are too small for my taste, so even an 75% scale Jupiter 8 would be great. Or, how about re-issuing the SH series – SH-5, SH-7 in particular?
But to me, the ultimate would be a System 700 – which you can buy module by module, to spread the cost. Having a full System 700 would be so cool, especially if it did not cost you a kidney to buy.
I just want from Roland a powerful MIDI sequencer/sampler …. like a modern version of the Roland MV8800 (with modern HDMI video output please).
Boutique mks-7 would nice.
WIshful thinking D-50 boutique… MKS-50 / Alpha Juno boutique.
My new Keyboard magazine has a Sam Ash advert, with photo, of the new Roland System-8 Plug Out Synth!!!! And soooooo many knobs!!!!
New Edrums me likey. Will be following this launch very closely.