Free Plugin Recreates The Sound Of A Giant Phallic Spy Tower

Balance Mastering has released a free plugin, Teufelsberg Reverb, that recreates the sound of a Berlin cold-war era spy tower.

The plugin, available for Linux, Mac & Windows, is based on impulse responses created at the ruins of Field Station Berlin.

The Field Station is one of the most unique places in the world:

  • Field Station Berlin was a US National Security Agency listening station, abandoned after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
  • It’s current state has been called a ‘graffiti paradise’.
  • It’s located on Teufelsberg, a man-made hill, created from the rubble of buildings destroyed in World War II.
  • The hill buries a Nazi technical college, because the buildings were reportedly too solid to blow up.
  • Teufelsberg is German for “Devil’s Mountain”.
  • Wild pigs are known to roam the area and may be radioactive because of fallout from Chernobyl.
  • Some think the shape of the Station held a hidden message from the West…

Teufelsberg Reverb Features:

  • Lush reverbs, accurately captured at the infamous Berlin surveillance tower.
  • 6 different IR reverb sounds.
  • Fast, zero-latency convolution.
  • A/B compare and preset saving functions
  • Linux, Windows & Mac downloads.
  • Free and open source.

Audio Demo:

Teufelsberg Reverb is a free download from Balance Mastering.

via cdm

Images: PitertMatt Biddulph

10 thoughts on “Free Plugin Recreates The Sound Of A Giant Phallic Spy Tower

  1. Amazing! I live in Berlin and know the place, one of the tower tops still is “closed” and there is a unique reverb sound in it, like the reverb is flying around you in circles.
    If you come to Berlin, you should visit the Teufelsberg.

    “Some think the shape of the Station held a hidden message from the West…”

    never thought about that, but now that you say it….

  2. “Wild pigs are known to roam the area and may be radioactive because of fallout from Chernobyl.”

    Well that’s an unexpected thing to read on Synthtopia.

      1. No need for them to fly – many European countries were contaminated by Chernobyl’s fallout, which has resulted in bans on hunting wild game in many countries, including Germany, and on livestock production in some areas, as far away as the UK.

  3. There’s a repurposed water tank in Colorado that has been renovated for use by music groups. I’ve been there once. The reverb is ASTOUNDING!

    Makes me wonder just how many of these little acoustic wonders there are throughout the world. Seems like there are always a few people around to “discover” and appreciate them.

  4. Awesome! Just loaded the files to Ableton’s Convolution Reverb and fired up some percussive sounds. I was at Teufelsberg some years ago and remember the interesting acoustics. Thank you

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