Dave Smith Instruments today announced the Prophet Rev2 Desktop – a module version of the Prophet Rev2 synthesizer keyboard.
Like the keyboard version, it features two DCOs per voice, Curtis filters, plus two types of sequencers, digital effects, and other enhancements designed to make it even more powerful that its predecessor, the now-retired Prophet ’08.
‘Apart from its awesome sound, a big part of the Rev2’s appeal is its ease of use, so we made sure that the desktop version retained all of the same front panel controls as the keyboard version. Whether you go for the keyboard or the desktop, the Rev2 is an amazing synth,’ says Dave Smith.
The Prophet Rev2 Synth Engine
The essence of the Prophet Rev2’s sound comes from two DCOs per voice with four waveshapes (sawtooth, triangle, sawtooth + triangle, and pulse), a sub-octave generator, and a 2/4 pole low-pass, resonant Curtis filter per voice. These are the same filters used not only in the Prophet ’08, but also in many classic instruments of the ’70s and ’80s.
A new feature unique to the Prophet Rev2 is waveshape modulation. You can vary the “pulse width” of any of the four waveforms by manually dialing in a desired waveshape width or by using an LFO or other modulation source for continuously shifting timbre.
An effects section provides reverb, delays (standard and BBD), chorus, phase shifter, ring modulation, and distortion. In stacked or split voice mode, you can apply a different effect to each layer. Effects parameters can be modulated through the mod matrix, which is twice as extensive as its predecessor, with 8 individual slots and many more sources/destinations.
The new polyphonic step sequencer allows up to 64 steps and up to 6 notes per step. A different sequence can be created for each layer when working in stacked or split voice mode. The sequencer also functions as a modulation source, allowing you to create up to 4 different 16-step sequences for complex modulation. Sequences allow ties and rests, and can sync to an external MIDI clock.
The arpeggiator features note repeats, re-latching, and can be synced to external MIDI clock, as well. Other improvments include a premium-quality, five-octave, semi-weighted keyboard with velocity and channel aftertouch, an integrated power supply, USB support, and an OLED display.
Here’s the video demo for the keyboard version of the Rev2:
Pricing and Availability
The Prophet Rev2 desktop module will be available in October of 2017, with two versions:
- 16-voice, with a US MAP of $1,799; and
- 8-voice version with a $1,299 US MAP.
See the DSI site for details.
Yes !
No recessed inputs. Not 19″ rackable So iT seems or we are still missing info.
I really wanted this to be rack mountable. It was going to be my first DSI synth. All the desktop modules are killing me. I’m out of space
$1299 for the 8 voice, looks like DSI wants to do battle with the Novation Peak. Would be nice to have an 8 voice DSI desktop, but I just do not like their filter.
People grumble about the DSI filter a lot, probably because its in the lush-&-creamy column. You can get serious aggression if you want it, but with the DSI gear I’ve had, it takes a little added programming effort. I don’t mind a bit. The REV2 is a serious step up from its predecessor in several meaningful ways. If you want some added bite, MIDI it up with another synth or an effects box. It may sound a little dream-rig-ish, but imagine layering this with Novation’s new PEAK synth, a wavetable beast that can slice through aluminum. Maybe a Korg Volca FM would do the trick. Point being, when was just one synth ever enough? The 45th of Never, that’s when.
Oiled African mahogany wood end panels
Dimensions: 7.9? (20 cm) W x 21.6? (54.8 cm) L x 3.3? (8.4 cm) H
If your are going to make a desktop unit why not make it rackmountable as well.
Yeah thats a bummer .. ohh well the P6 and OB6 aren’t rack mountable either ..
The control board would have to be completely redesigned with reduced knob spacing to fit into a 19″ rack, as would the main voice board. In the tabletop format, it’s much simpler.
Knob and button count wise it’s not more than the P8. The only reason could be fitting 16 voice cards ,but everything is SMD now, it should not be an issue. This appears a quick job to get a desktop on the market.
We have not seen any rack units from DSI since Poly Evolver Rack aka 2004
Except for the Prophet ’08 Module in 2009 and the Prophet 12 Module in 2014…
The Prophet 08 Module and Prophet 12 Module are rackmountable. Those both came after the Poly Evolver Rack.
Awesome having 16 polyphonic analog voices in such a compact format!
Good ol’ Dave outdid himself again.
yawn. i´m sorry, dave, but this is no longer interesting. PLEEEEASE build the first workstation synth w/internal real ANALOGUE sounds! together with roger linn you could do that. or come up with a mc-909 remake, a groovebox with internal ANALOGUE sounds as unique selling point. currently, the only analogue synth with a sophisticated on-board sequencer is the jd-xa, but only ON PAPER, because currently that onboard sequencer is total crap. it lacks song mode, and you can´t even switch between patterns on the fly. it is time for a motif/fantom/triton/kronos with internal ANALOGUE sounds. please do it. i would purchase one in a nanosecond.
so many sequencers and ANALOGUE synths to choose from.
all in one machines are never good in everything. als too expensive.
synths are fun. workstations not.
Workstations are so 1990’s
Ha ha! You’re mostly right, in a world full of lap-toppers, but I keep one Korg workstation because its familiar and sounds as good as ever. It also has some pluses like the joystick that I can’t have otherwise. Its sounds may be a bit 90s in places, but good organs and unique sound FX options never fade. I’d never go back to squinting into a 2″ x 6″ display for serious sequencing, but I can dump a DAW sequence into my Korg for occasional live playing. There’s a large crossover area to like. Many guitarists have 5 regular favorites because they’re each different. I have several synths for the same reason. Don’t totally dismiss workstations; they’re one of the good “guitars” you keep Just Because.
I know right? I was asking the same thing back in the day the first workstations came to live: why nobody puts an acoustic piano inside a workstation such as this!!! Samples are so awful!
Nobody listened though and now we have Keyscape
Anti-workstation snobbery aside, being able to use Karma (i.e. Kronos) on a powerful analog synth like this would be absolutely amazing.
Actually, wouldn’t the Elektron A4 fit?
no, because not enough tracks, not polyphonic tracks, display too tiny and the elektron gui is way too complicated. i want the phrase list feature of the fantom g – super easy to use. my guess: uli behringer could come up with an analogue workstation if there´s demand for it.
A4’s tracks are polyphonic. you can choose polyphony per track. that seems like it doesn’t get you very far with only 4 voices but consider that you can build a whole drum track from just one voice using parameter locks. i agree it’s not a full blown workstation by any means though.
Someone wanna make a bet with me that the next Analog Keys will have at least 8 voices?
As with many of their other tabletop instruments, there doesn’t appear to be enough space for all of the controls if you make it fit into a 19 inch rack.
Thats why you have to make sure a talented UI designer and engineer take care of This.
Surely it can be done. 4U or 5u. Make Some clever “shift” decisions.
They Could have easily Done iT with the Pro12 desktop. But no recessed inputs there either.
Basically they are Not making proper 19″ rack designs anymore iT seems.
Where is MPE or Channel-per-Voice control?
This would be a dream to use with my Linnstrument…
prophet rev3 desktop…sigh
Wrong. This could have definitely fit into a 19″ rack mount. Looks like DSI wanted to get this out of the door quick using the P6/OB6 form factor. A real bummer. + For the both the 8 and 16 voice it’s only a $200 difference between DT and KB while the OB-6/P6 DT/KB difference is $600-$700 ? 8 voice should have been $899, $999 most and 16 voice $1499. Looks like DSI does not want to sell a lot of REV2 modules. Also it looks like an 8 voice keyboard can’t be hooked up with a 8 voice module as with all other products.
I read one comment and it was the one that mentioned ANALOGUE Workstations. It took a lot of effort to stay on synthtopia after.
I know, right? It’s spelled “analog”.
Not in Britain.
It was a joke. Anyone who hangs out on any synth gear website knows the differences by now. :p Heck I even spell stuff the UK way by accident sometimes because of it.
The desktop versions just aren’t enough of a savings. You might as well spend a few hundred dollars more and get the keyboard version. Also, the panel on the desktop versions look too cramped.
The closest thing to an analog workstation I can think of is the Tempest queen
Not sure how “queen” got added to the end of my post. Maybe Siri felt like adding it lol.
I’m frustrated.
Where is the innovation? Where is a new form of synthesis? I need new sounds to fuel my creativity!!
Ok, now seriously: will the 8 voice version of this module be upgradable with the expander kit?
Exactly what new forms of synthesis are you talking about?
Not speaking for Hamtai or about the proph rev 2 (which looks sweeeet), but you raise a good question.
How about a dedicated karplus-strong synth? It’s not a new form of synthesis but there aren’t new synths using this method. Something like this, but as a dedicated synth so we don’t have to drop a ton of cash on a eurorack rig: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcNzrQ9V4-M
Or a polyphonic & chromatic keyboard sampler that works like a grain shifting FX unit. Similar to modulating the sample start & end points on an Electribe SX’s keyboard parts then run through a KP3’s grain shifter- allow control over both start-end points, grain lengths within the start-end & grain saturation. Again, that’s not a new idea but nobody’s doing stuff like that with hardware as a single, specialised device.
If only there was a large enough market for experimental synths like those.
I wish I had the money to hand.
Do you have two kidneys?
Yes, but I had to sell my hands for the last synth
It seems kind of odd that the desktop versions of these 5-octave synths are only $200 cheaper whereas the desktop versions of the 4-octave OB6/P6 are $800 cheaper. What am I missing?
Agreed – I was really hoping for $1499 for the 16 voice desktop.
Worse. P12 DT versus KB is $1200. go figure.
Huge difference between p12 keyboard and module. Not so huge difference between Rev 2 module and keyboard.
this is amazing. this is magnificent. thank you Dave!
does the rev 2 have any type of song mode / pattern chaining capacity?
i saw this group perform and could’ve sworn that there was simple drum pattern chaining happening via the rev 2 exclusively… any way to pull this off? i didn’t spot any external sequencer or drum machine on stage