Sensel let us know about some interesting updates for their Morph customizable controller system.
The updates include the ability to mix Keyboard events, MIDI events, and Gamepad Events all on one Overlay. And the update brings MPE support, too.
Besides improving the overall SenselApp UI, you can remap all of the Control Areas on an Overlay and change the event type of each Control Area.
This means you can turn the Game Controller into a MIDI Controller, or a Drum Pad surface into big buttons for keyboard macros and shortcuts. Anything is Everything!
There is also an alpha version of MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression), which can change each Control Area into a MPE pad. Not just limited to the Piano overlay, you can use MPE controls on an MPC-style pad, for example, to create a grid-style MPE player, or simply create XYZ controllers for utter weirdness,
Here’s a video demo of some of the new features:
See the Sensel site for more info.
that wasn’t mind blowing, kinda cool yes but don’t get carried away.