AVP Synth Intros ADS-7 Analog Drum Synthesizer

Russia-based AVP Synth has introduced the ADS-7 Analog Drum Synthesizer – a seven-voice analog drum machine.

AVP says that the ADS-7 is inspired by the drum machines of the 70s-80s, with a built-in 32-step sequencer and MIDI control. It offers 65 controls, 4 switches and 27 buttons for hands-on control and trigger inputs and individual outputs for each of the seven sounds.  audio outputs and individual trigger inputs for each of the seven sounds.


  • Fully analog, OTA discreet components;
  • 7 individual sound channels: BD, Clap, OH/CH (choking on/off function), 3 separate Generators (GEN) with Band-pass and Low-pass filter options;
  • 65 knobs/controls for different sound shaping options: from standard noise to metallic tones;
  • 16/32 step analog sequencer;
  • Up to 32 steps preset loading/saving slots;
  • Ability to clock external gear with the sequencer;
  • MIDI In/MIDI Out;
  • 3.5 mm individual triggers;
  • Stereo/individual 6.3 mm outputs for each sound plus 1 trigger out;
  • Steel casing;
  • Dimensions: L330xW250xH140 mm;
  • Weight: 3.5 kg (without adapter);
  • 220v adapter 15 VAC (included).

Video demo:

Pricing and Availability

The AVP Synths ADS-7 Analog Drum Machine is available made-to-order for 770 EURO. See the AVP site for details.

9 thoughts on “AVP Synth Intros ADS-7 Analog Drum Synthesizer

  1. Looks intriguing, but I would like to see more drum synths with all instrument channels having the same parameters IE: the Nord Drum.

  2. cool. the more knobs the better. Closed hat sounds very harsh but the clap is very good. Someone like Daft Punk will make some unique sounding groove on this thing for The Weeknd and it will pay for itself in around 20 minutes…

  3. how many kick drums ??? has it only got 1 ?
    because if it only has 1 kick drum drum ,it is boring non original and dates from a time gone bye .

    fed up of countless drum MACHINES that do not account for the layering of the kick drum ,doing this is in your daw is boring and old .

    If you cannot be bothered to design a modern drum machine ,with features required for modern music .

    THEN DO NOT BOTHER ,your design is lame and has been done ,innovate or just give up ……

  4. Those hats sound nice and metally! Price is probably beyond my wallet but its definitely a nice sounding drum machine, and all those controls (pan for everything, choking switch on the panel etc) are exactly the controls I wish I had on the drum machine I ended up going for.

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