Will Gregory Moog Ensemble Releases Debut Album, Heat Ray

Will Gregory Moog Ensemble has announced details of their debut album release, Heat Ray, on Warp records.

Will Gregory is best known for his work with Alison Goldfrapp in the electronica duo Goldfrapp. In the last decade, though, he’s also spearheaded the Will Gregory Moog Ensemble – a group that was originally organized to tackle performing ‘Switched On’ style arrangements of classical work, but that has since expanded their repertoire to include music of Wendy Carlos, Vangelis, John Williams and others.

Their debut album, recorded by the Ensemble on analog synthesizers, alongside the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, is set for release on vinyl, CD and download on 14 June 2024.

Here’s the first single, Bouyancy Theory:

Here’s what they have to say about Heat Ray:

“This neo-classical electronic album is filled with spirals of melody, circular structures, sequences, and patterns inspired by the works of the Greek mathematician Archimedes.

The ensemble is led by Goldfrapp’s Will Gregory and has been active on the live circuit since 2005. The members include Portishead’s Adrian Utley, a long-time collaborator of Will’s, who plays on the album and produced it. Also playing on the record are John Baggott, Graham Fitkin, Simon Haram, Vyvyan Hope-Scott, Ross Hughes, Hazel Mills, Daniel Moore, Hinako Omori, Eddie Parker, Harriet Riley and Ruth Wall.

Their instruments include Minimoog, Moog Voyager, Korg 700s, Prophet 6, and Roland JX-3P, with their individual lines and the BBC National Orchestra of Wales coming together in intricate arrangements creating a stunning superstructure of sounds.”

Track Listing:

Young Archimedes
Buoyancy Theory
Circles, Spirals and Pi
Law of the Lever
The Claw
Archimedes’ Screw
Heat Ray
The Sand Reckoner
Archimedes’ Legacy

See the Warp site for details.

5 thoughts on “Will Gregory Moog Ensemble Releases Debut Album, Heat Ray

  1. Wow! That’s one of the best synth-orchestra pairings I’ve ever heard. I’ve always wished a couple of synths were a natural part of a modern orchestra, but there’s a certain divide between classical musicians and synthesists.

    Also, you can probably count such blended works on just two hands and have fingers left. Someone has to compose it and then there’s the massive task of paying the orchestra, printing the parts, hiring a hall, etc. That makes Heat Ray all the more special. Nice.

  2. Awesome. Orchestration was one of the classes I loved in college, so hearing this is inspiring to me on many levels. Good stuff.

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