Moog Labyrinth Parallel Generative Analog Synthesizer Hands-On Demo

Synthesist Doug Llewellyn shared this overview and hands-on demo of the new Moog Labyrinth Parallel Generative Analog Synthesizer.

The Moog Labyrinth is the latest in the company’s line of all-in-one Eurorack format modular synthesizers. While we have not seen an official introduction for the Labyrinth from Moog, yet, the new synth has already shown up at several online retailers, and in the hands of some early users.

Here’s another set of videos, from VM:

Moog Labyrinth Audio Demo:

Check out the videos and share your thoughts on the Moog Labyrinth in the comments!

11 thoughts on “Moog Labyrinth Parallel Generative Analog Synthesizer Hands-On Demo

  1. Blip…blop….blup……again one of those non-musical demo set of videos……why….why…why?…send this items to people like ‘kebu’ or big groups like ‘chvurches’ or djs like ‘anyma’ to make something Musically pleasant that pushes the sounds of the instruments to the boundaries of something usable in a song……so tired of synth ‘farts’ on demos

    PS yeah had one of those days….usually I don’t vent on The interwebz…so don’t take it personally…it is my honest and humble point of view…thanks!

        1. Sid how can you say you hate jazz? There is so much fantastic jazzmusic and there are jazzinfluences in almost all music!

    1. So they can make the same presets, which they make on all their other instruments?

      Maybe Minimoog is more for you?

    2. PRETTY SURE THIS person bought this synth and is one of the first to demo it before its official introduction. A Synth demo like this is practical as it shows the intended potential of the synth as a design. Its not really humble to slam this guy and then ask why Chvrches aren’t reviewing this synth. From what I can tell this synths design is lent more to this sort of approach to sound design, blah blah blah.

    1. The paper overlays are simply intended to give you a starting point for sounds, so they show you where to set the controls and what to patch where.

  2. God those all sound absolutely awful

    Having said that I can see past the demo to the potential of this

    Looks good

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