Seattle Symphony Debuts New Work For Orchestra & Kinect-Controlled Music Robots

The Seattle Symphony (Music Director Ludovic Morlot) recently premiered Above, Below, and In Between, a commission and site-specific composition by sculptor, sound artist and composer Trimpin. Above, Below, and In Between is a sculpture and musical composition for small orchestra, soprano voice, prepared piano, kinetic instruments and gesture-controlled conducting. The piece was created in partnership with Microsoft.… Read More Seattle Symphony Debuts New Work For Orchestra & Kinect-Controlled Music Robots

The Computer Orchestra

The Computer Orchestra is a crowdsourcing platform, created by Simon de Diesbach, Jonas Lacôte, Laura Perrenoud, that allows users to create and conduct their own orchestra. Users can choose to upload their own music or download samples to integrate into their formation Once the ‘orchestra’ is configured, users can direct it with the movements of their… Read More The Computer Orchestra

Kinect + 3D Graphics + Dubstep = The V Motion Project

The V Motion Project is a striking multimedia project that combines the talents of musicians, dancers, programmers, designers and animators to create a ‘visual instrument’ that uses the Microsoft Kinect to capture movement and translate it into music and visuals. Here’s what the developers have to say about the V Motion Project and the video above:… Read More Kinect + 3D Graphics + Dubstep = The V Motion Project

Can The $70 Leap Motion Controller Succeed Where The Kinect Failed?

Developers have announced the Leap – a new $70 motion sensor that they say is ‘two hundred times more accurate than any product currently on the market.” Like the Microsoft Kinect, the Leap is designed to translate your gestures and movement into computer control. But the developers suggest that the Kinect is a toy, compared to… Read More Can The $70 Leap Motion Controller Succeed Where The Kinect Failed?

Yonac GhostGuitar Takes iOS Into Kinect Style Augmented Reality Territory

Yonac Software sent word to us of GhostGuitar – a new app for the iPad that takes the device into Kinect style augmented reality territory. We’ve previously featured a variety of Kinect music hacks that explore the ‘augmented reality’ potential of the device. GhostGuitar is a music game for iOS that explores similar territory, creating… Read More Yonac GhostGuitar Takes iOS Into Kinect Style Augmented Reality Territory

Experimental Kinect + Garden Glove System Like A Theremin For Mixing

This is a demonstration video of Audio-Haptic Navigation Environment (AHNE) – an experimental audio-haptic user interface that lets you locate and manipulate sound objects in 3d space with the help of audio-haptic feedback. The user is tracked with a Kinect sensor using the OpenNI framework and OSCeleton. The user wears a glove that is embedded with… Read More Experimental Kinect + Garden Glove System Like A Theremin For Mixing