Hammondeggsmusic has released a new User Oscillator for the Korg Prologue, Minilogue XD and NTS-1, Duet, that offers dual LFOs and dual oscillators.
While some criticized the Prologue’s single-LFO architecture when it was introduced, Duet demonstrates how Korg’s Multi-Engine allows for the synths’ architecture to be expanded, allowing for new synthesis possibilities.
Duet can be as simple as another sawtooth oscillator, 2 sawtooth oscillators or saw+pwm, each with their own unique LFOs.
Duet is available now as a donationware download.
Sweet. Making me think more about get the XD
Makes me think to get an NTS-1 …..
Excellent, my XD has being crying out for more LFOs!
with all these cool features coming for the korgs
Makes me want an XD more
With the growing number of oscillator and effects models cropping up, plus the CV options, ‘logues are becoming a good choice for the center of several kinds of rigs. I’m not wild for mini-keys, but I have some big-boy keys and the Minilogue has ports for taking that route, too. (I favor Korg’s joysticks, though.) This line is a smart middle ground between slab synths and mad-scientist centerpieces for people’s mini-T.O.N.T.Os. I’m not drawn to an XD because its shiny; its because its seriously open-ended.
Damn…. I have a Minilogue but not the xd-version? and ‘damn’ again for that Deep Reverb ‘work in progress’ for the same reason ??
you can always get an nts-1, one hundred pounds for all of that user osc goodness if you don’t need the knobs and such.