Free Music Friday: Edison’s Not What Ships Are Built For

Free Music Friday: It’s Friday and you know what that means – we bust out the cheesy Free Music Friday logo and bring you some cool music that you can download.

via IVDT comes Edison’s Not What Ships Are Built For, a full album of catchy glitchy tracks.

Edison’s been seen here previously, doing amazing stuff with his monome.

You can preview the first track from Not What Ships Are Built For, The Nobility Of Being First In Line, below:


Download the full release here.

Here are the details:

Artist: Edison
Title: Not What Ships Are Built For
Release Number: mp3.069
Duration: 37 minutes 44 seconds

01. the nobility of being first in line (3:49)
02. the interworkings of the human hand (3:34)
03. bandaids eventually fail, but always leave a ring (4:19)
04. the kill tone two (edison’s new filament remix) (3:16)
05. the blue bike (3:45)
06. oh brother, this is where things began to burn (3:18)
07. don’t get all sentimental, bro (3:31)
08. the ghosts in this building are absolutely serious (4:07)
09. we once used to keep things in jars, no longer (3:09)
10. these things are better left on an answering machine……late (4:56)

via stretta

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