Delfy Creations makes hand-made electronic musical contraptions.
And awesome promo videos.
According to the company:
We have a range of ‘Delfy Originals’ which we sell all the time, and we also sell one-off items, ranging from original circuits to circuit bent toys and instruments! Our creations would make a great addition to any electronic musician, band or DJ’s setup. Some are more suited for live use, some for sampling/in the studio etc. But one thing is certain, you’ll never run out of weird and wonderul noises with a Delfy Creation!
If you’ve dealt with Delfy Creations, leave a comment with your thoughts on the company or their gear!
Here’s a demo of one of their electronic musical contraptions:
There are lots more demo videos at their YouTube channel.
Here’s some background on the company:
Delfy Creations is the work of Alex Delfont and Shaun Crook. We live in London, England. I’m Alex, and I’ll be looking after the website, so here is a little bit about how it all began. I started fiddling with old toys and instruments a few years ago. I was amazed by what could be done with other peoples useless stuff and soon went on to create my own circuits and custom pieces. I ended up making far too many things to keep, so I started selling them on ebay, and got a good response. I decided to make a myspace page, under the name ‘Delfy Circuit Bent Instruments’, where I could put pictures and samples of all the things I was selling. I was getting lot of interest, and so I sold a lot of on ebay and I was commissioned to make a fair bit as well.
After returning from a roadtrip around Europe I decided I wanted to start doing things slightly differently. So I made this website, changed the name to Delfy Creations and decided I didn’t want to use Ebay anymore. Also, I joined forces with a good friend of mine, Shaun Crook. He has been doing this stuff for years and has made many a crazy machine! So now we work on all the designs together and get twice as much done. Some of the better known artists out there using Delfy Creations are : Venetian Snares, Slagsmalsklubben, Sabrepulse and Longstone.
via Oliver Chesler
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