Behringer Intros TD-3-MO-BK Modded Out Analog Bass Line Synthesizer In Black

Behringer today introduced the TD-3-MO-BK “Modded Out” Analog Bass Line Synthesizer.

The Behringer TD-3-MO-BK is a style variant of their Devil Fish TB-303 knockoff, the TD-3-MO.

The Devil Fish Roland TB-303 was originally created by Robin Whittle and adds a variety of features that make the 303 a more powerful instrument for electronic musicians, including extended bass response, overdrive control, more flexible synth control, CV & gate connectivity and more.

The TD-3-MO brought these mods to Behringer’s TD-3, making it inexpensive alternative to an original modded 303.

Pricing and Availability:

Behringer says that the TD-3-MO-BK is now shipping, priced at $249.

43 thoughts on “Behringer Intros TD-3-MO-BK Modded Out Analog Bass Line Synthesizer In Black

    1. It is. However, I fail to see how the original mod designer could not still use the situation to their own advantage by offering an original (‘high quality’ – possibly even ‘improved’) Devil Fish mod for owners of the first Behringer model, next to those for the other 303 clones that they already provide.

      After 30 years the amount of original 303s they could still mod are dwindling anyway. And while I think the *moral* outrage around B is mostly justified, we also know that these kind of companies will always be backed financially and rhetorically by the lot who feel it is morally passable to bully and rip people off as long as they can have a thing for cheap.
      In that landscape, which took shape as soon as B started cloning old synth designs, the Devil Fish modder should’ve patented the mod, tho I can imagine that can be a costly endeavour for a one-man-company.

      What they can do now is choose to revamp a 30 yo mod that subsequently offers more than the Behringer DV clone and as such address a whole new pool of potential customers.
      And someone might say that “B customers are in it for the bland cliches, so they won’t care about improved things”.. and indeed, most probably won’t. Still I think it’s better to adapt than to drown.

      1. Wrongthink, wrongthink, wrongthink! Makes me aaaaaaangry (haha). Better throw the damn conspiracy theorist in the gulag (haha). I want to enjoy my Dekmantel festival as a good human. A very good one. Whenever I call out a damn conspiracy theorist I get a good feeling of belonging and righteousness. Oh wait, my hot yoga class I starting soon and I need to grab my Cafe Latte before (of course with soy milk!!). God I pity people not drinking soy milk. Don’t they know how bad the milk industry is…. Ah Jees, I’m just so much better than anyone really, I’m sorry folks.

        -posted from my iPhone

        1. Ah I see the hemlock is starting to kick in. Pitiful end of a great mind. Anyway, indeed I have to ask: what is ‘good’ then?

      2. I’m no expert, but I don’t believe you can copyright a modification to a company’s IP, especially after said patent has expired.

    2. It appears that Robin Whittle, the creator of the Devilfish mod, is busy selling Vitamine D supplements to “cure” Covid these days, so I have no issues buying this clone instead.

      1. Oof seems you’re right.. in that case I’d go for the clone too. I’d rather give my money to a bully millionaire than to a conspiracy theorist, I mean that would just be morally reprehensible. And incidentally in this case it is also the cheaper option. Love it…

        1. Less conspiratorial, than shaky science. His claims, whilst they have some merit that the body and its immune system require Vitamin D to properly function, he seems to veer off a bit there. That said, and I loathe conspiracy theorists, the question becomes one of lesser evils I suppose; someone whom has very little reach to cause harm (Whittle) or someone whom has caused great harm (Uli)…..

          I am going to back to reading I think….

          1. Mr. Whittle took more than 1000$ for a 3$ parts modification. that worked well for him for years. and now Im supposed to feel sorry for the guy? lol
            want some popcorn? ^^

          2. No, I agree. Perhaps the sarcasm in my comment was somewhat lost. I just found it interesting to see that already the second comment on my earlier one is a moral justification of why it is okay to buy the clone.
            Especially since their reasoning implies that apparently it’s perfectly fine to rip off someone with deviant ideas about medical science, in favour of a company that literally has deviant ideas about morality and censorship.

            I mean, instead of spouting the weak whataboutist arguments it would be more honest to just say “I want the thing and I don’t care about the impact on other people’s lives as long as I can get it as cheap as possible”. It is a common and proper reason to do stuff, albeit not a very altruistic one.

            1. Or maybe I just don’t want to mod my vintage TB-303 or my Re-303 and get the MO instead, who knows. But I guess you’ll find a moral dilemma in there too somehow.

      2. To be fair, I don’t see the guy selling Vitamin D supplements, but rather writing detailed articles on the benefit of them. Seems like it’s unfair to lump this guy in the Alex Jones category, but maybe I didn’t find his D shop.

  1. Ah, yes. A massive manufacturer tried to negotiate rights to the Devil Fish mod with Robin Whittle. They couldn’t come to terms so they used his ideas without credit or compensation, then accused Whittle of “publishing a confidential email exchange” when he spoke out.

    1. B has nothing to complain about unless they had a contract with Whittle specifying nondisclosure. Whittle has nothing to complain about unless B is infringing a patent.


    lol sorry I’m having a ball. SHAME !

  3. When are they going to make the “Colored Blind edition”?
    Reminder in America we see no colors (yes that is a joke)

    Now a real fool>Rep. Eli Crane, R-Ariz.
    “My amendment has nothing to do with whether or not colored people or Black people or anybody can serve,” said Crane, who is in his first term.

  4. The 303 was especially known for its biting, squirty resonance. That’s pretty easy to manage now, with better tools, so I’m a little puzzled that people would want to fight this fussy interface to get there. I have no issues with it if you just love the world of smaller formats. I’m simply into more bang for the buck. That’s easy to find. Roland’s TR-6S and TR-8S come to mind.

    1. I could honestly do without the sequencer. However, it has all the functionality of the original (slides and accents) via Midi, plus a filter CC–I use my Launchpad to sequence it, which is near immediate acid.

  5. It says shipping now on their website but doesn’t seem to be shipping from anywhere. Have I been Behrboozled?

    1. With Behringer, ‘shipping’ means it’s on a slow boat from China, unfortunately.

      It will actually available in a couple of months.

      I’m not sure why they don’t have a ‘superpartner’ in China that knows how to use Fedex, like Thomann.

  6. I really love the design, color and sound.
    I really dislike where this company has gone in the last 2-3 years.
    I really decided to never purchase something from them unless they do a very deep restructuring of their approach of swallowing and copying relentlessly.
    The temptation to get one of those is strong. Resistance of the easy weird path is stronger I guess
    I really ……thats all

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