Tempera Granular Synth Gets Major Firmware Update

Beetlecrab has released a major firmware update for Tempera, its 16-voice polyphonic granular synthesizer.

The update introduces new synthesis capabilities, an updated reverb, workflow improvements and more.

Here’s what’s new in Tempera firmware v2.0:

  • Per-emitter FX send level: Adjust the amount of effects applied to each emitter for eg. better separation of percussive and tonal sounds. Layering complex sounds has become much easier.
  • Double the amount of modulators: From 5 per voice to 10 per voice.
  • Relative X and Y scrubbing: Easily grain-scrub in two dimensions across the touch grid surface. Perfect pairing for the Tempera concept.
  • Adjustable LED and emitter colors: Personalize the look of your Tempera, including having better color separation for those of us with a different color perception.
  • Improved onboard keyboard: The new chromatic piano-like keyboard layout has better usability and clear visual feedback for standalone operation.
  • Quantized random grain detune: Grains’ random detune can now be quantized to fifths, octaves, or both, providing a natural shimmer or extra harmony.
  • Reverb upgrade: The new reverb algorithm provides richer and smoother reflections, and faster diffuse properties. Perfect for lush and wide soundscapes.
  • Modulator visualization: Modulators now provide improved visual feedback so it’s easier to get a clear picture of their behavior.
  • Stable and reliable MIDI clock sync: Improved clock BPM detection, MIDI clock sync is now durable and reliable.
  • Canvas quicksave: Save your project (“canvas” in Tempera lore) immediately with a quick and handy shortcut.
  • New shortcut for emitter editing: Newly added shortcut makes it easier to edit, cycle and organize emitter configurations.
  • New global MIDI channel parameter: Integrate Tempera easily into a bigger setup, while allowing for per-emitter MIDI channels.
  • Delay upgrade: A dot mode is added, along with smoother filter coloring
  • Bug fixes & polishing: The amount of bugs fixed, streamlining and polishing is too long to list. 🙂

Pricing and Availability:

Tempera is available now for $720 USD. The firmware update is a free download for existing owners.

4 thoughts on “Tempera Granular Synth Gets Major Firmware Update

    1. Evaluate your life goals and its meaning.
      For a little perspective, you’re literally arguing over 31 dollars – or roughly 4.3 % of the total cost.

  1. This is an amazing instrument. It’s really inspired me to dig in to its capabilities way more so than other granular-based synthesizers. The interface is a refreshing take on the grid. Sure, there are iPad apps that provide similar functionality. I prefer the immediacy and interaction of a dedicated hardware devise. With it, the instrument designer establishes a kind of syntax from which musical dialogue springs.

    In an era of everything, it’s vital that artists find new forms of dialect that inspire conversations.

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