Ableton Live 8: This is a sneak preview of a new monome app, 7Up Live:
Little teaser of new Melodizer features in SevenUpLive that are currently in development. All I can say is it is very addictive and amazing. You can rip through chords and scales and turn them inside out in a fluid way. The kind of thing you might have spent years learning to do in music theory are at your finger tips. Just the thing to inspire creativity.
7up Live is a Java application that combines 8 different monome applications into one interface. With it, your monome communicates with Ableton Live 7 via MIDI and allows MLR-like functionality along with other goodies like sliders, sequencing melodies, creating patterns of beats, saving/loading/queueing your songs, and more.
the app looks cool, the player is awful. No rhythm whatsoever… That's not jazz, that's just bad. Don't mean to be harsh, but jazz players can count beats.
Just for the record, Sevenuplive has been around for some time. This just seems to be a nice new update. By far my favorite monome app.