This is a demo of the TheremUS – a new variation on the theremin:
In the Theremin, the performer’s hand movements, detected by two antennas, control the pitch and volume of the generated sound. The TheremUS builds on this concept by using ultrasonic sensing for hand position detection and processing all signals digitally, a distinct advantage in terms of versatility.
Not only can different sound synthesis algorithms be programmed directly on the instrument but also it can be easily connected to other digital sound synthesis or multimedia devices; a MIDI interface was included for this purpose. The TheremUS also features translucent panels lit by controllable RGB LED devices. This makes it possible to specify sound-colour mappings in the spirit of the legendary Ocular Harpsichord by Castel.
via djfeedback84:
The new video, was made for the 127th AES Convention. Yes it is true, our article has been accepted at the biggest professional audio conference. We made a poster presentation and it was a success 🙂 The name ThereMax is now TheremUS as I refered in the last video. In this video we can see the TheremUS working with MIDI and MAX as Graphical interface.
A potentially good idea, ideal for electronic preformances. Crap demo. No evidence of velocity and /of volume control.
Cool glowy lights – but I got to second eli's take!
Cool glowy lights – but I got to second eli's take!