Density is a granular synthesis application for Windows and Mac designed to create a wide range of realtime effects.
Density is available now for 25 EUR. Details below.
Density Features:
- 8 granular streams simultaneously.
- Loading up to 12 sound-files (aiff,wav) for each stream (96 tot.).
- Dynamic scrub pad, wrap-around selection, crop, normalize draw, etc….
- Scrub quantize: zero-crossing, bpm, phase and samples.
- Multi sounds buffer windows (resizable), fine scanning explorations.
- Rapid change sndfile, just jumping between the windows.
- Envelope/windowing menage up to 12 shape prototypes.
- Envelope/windowing loading and menage 12 sound-files (aiff,wav).
- Dynamic buffer load/save, normalize, crop, resize length etc…
- Main mixer, 8 channels, 1 master, solo/mute and VST slots.
- Quick-record export master channel, progressive autoname file or directory and re-sampling and quantize outfile.
- Trigger granular streams: foreground, sync, all.
- VST support: one for each channel + one for the master.
- DSP settings and infos report on the statusbar.
- Snapshots memory allocation up to 24 for each stream and 24 for the main mixer.
- Fast snapshots presets for store/recall.
- Simultaneous (streams and main) transition (interpolation), between two snapshots in a given time.
- Clients menage: include/exclude widgets from transitions.
- Four table to draw transitions curves.
- Micro-pad interpolating between four snaps.
- HV_pad (i.e. hyper vectorial pad), combines 9 snapshots (multi dimensional) and provide auto-explore engine (spiral, dunk, reflects).
- MIDI Input mapping: learn/manual functions, range map/rescale, exponential curve.
- MIDI Output sync: enable/disable, continuously/mouse up send.
- Shorts key for voices selection, dragging sliders etc…
- Windows float/no float mode.
- Fully managing the project, save/save as and load.
- Drag and drop audio files (streams and windowing) and drag and drop project folder (main).
- Oscilloscope and spectralscope tools.