Free Modular Computer Music Environment For Composition & Analysis

Free Music Software: AthenaCL is a free modular, object orientated, interactive command-line environment for music analysis and algorithmic composition. Scores are created in Csound as well as standard MIDI files.

Musical parts are deployed as textures, layered surface-defining objects containing linked parameter objects to control pitch, tempo, rhythm, amplitude, panning, and Csound synthesis and control parameters. The system includes an integrated library of Csound instruments

Parameter objects provide generators using stochastic, genetic, and various other algorithms. Textures can be combined, edited, cloned, and tuned with algorithmic temperament objects.

The analytic and algorithmic systems use path objects to organize and share pitch data.

Based on post-tonal music theory, paths provide simultaneous representations of ordered content groups in set-class, pitch-class, and pitch space. Paths can be modeled with the Straus voice leading system and analyzed with numerous set-class similarity measures. As a reference utility for music theory, pitch groups can be searched, analyzed, and compared with a wide variety of tools.

The software is open-source, cross-platform, and written in Python and XML.

It’s available as a free download from the Flexatone site.

One thought on “Free Modular Computer Music Environment For Composition & Analysis

  1. yes! AthenaCL is a lot of fun. I started to learn it with Chris last year, before I was dragged away into master's thesis-ville. The best thing about it, I think, is the incredible flexibility it offers for generative composition. The variety of parameters that you can automate (and nest) in different ways is mind-boggling.

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