Audio Damage has introduced Phosphor, a virtual instrument modeled on the alphaSyntauri, a vintage digital additive synth.
Here’s what they have to say about the Phosphor synthesizer:
The original alphaSyntauri required an Apple //e to operate, but we’ve gone ahead and eliminated the middle-man, and now you can have this classic digital synth in your DAW of choice.
Featuring two sixteen-partial additive oscillators, each with its own amp envelope, Phosphor’s topology closely follows the alphaSyntauri, while adding many modern features such as full velocity control, a much more extensive modulation routing system, tempo synced LFOs, a pair of delays, and two monophonic modes. The noise and oscillators are able to work in the original alphaSyntauri resolutions, and can also be run at modern sample rates. All this results in a much more sophisticated and capable synth than the original, without compromising the ability to recreate the classic sounds of the early days of digital synthesis.
- Two complete oscillator/envelope sections modeled on the original topology of the alphaSyntauri.
- Each set of partials can run in “lo-fi” mode, emulating the original, or in a modern mode for alias-free sines.
- The noise can be either “lo-fi” digital shift-register noise, or modern white noise.
- Two complete delay sections with LP/HP filtering and cross-feedback.
- Two tempo-syncable LFOs with multiple modulation destinations.
- Full MIDI Learn.
Phosphor for Windows and Mac (VST/AU) is available now for US $59.
Have all the decent synths been emulated or something?
the alphasyntauri was an interesting piece of gear, i think audio damage should be applauded for bringing back reiterations of unique kit, and not just another "me-too" product. All their products are interesting, fill a particular niche, and are cost effective with a tremendous return policy. I think people would be amiss to disregard their products. While their products don't cover the whole gamut of the spectrum, they do certain things really really well, or in a provacative way that is musically inspiring.
seems like a pretty interesting idea. this one's pretty rare, no? does anyone disregard audio damage? they have a pretty solid reputation from what i've read. recently, i got Axon their percussion synth/sequencer, and i really love it. it's quite different. yeah, they don't run with the herd. i try to do things differently, in my sound and process. So, their ingenuity is much appreciated.
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Don't know if they meant the star sign or the synth