In-Depth With The Moog Minitaur Analog Bass Synthesizer

Marc Doty, Archive and Education Specialist for the Bob Moog Foundation, gets hands on with Moog Minitaur bass synthesizer and offers his take on its features.

I’d like to see Moog also release a demo that looks at some of the more esoteric uses of the Minitaur – like using outside the bass range, making use of the audio in, CV and MIDI control of all the parameters.

For specs and purchasing info, see the Moog site.

12 thoughts on “In-Depth With The Moog Minitaur Analog Bass Synthesizer

    1. That is totally true. Works the same way on every other product, just like you would buy a Samsung TV over a “Catszio TV”…right?

  1. Those oscillators are a work of art. Great ergonomics in a small package design too. Too bad this video barely scratches what I believe the surface of this kit to be. Long-winded does not equal indepth in my book. 10 minutes of gushing about having “2 envelope generators” and “saw and square waves”? All that cool CV gear in the background and none of it gets hooked up to the Minitaur CV ins? Is it just cardboard cut-outs? Not even a mention of the USB patch storage. That’s an incredibly important point on this synth. Factor in the spelling of “oscilator” (sic) and another noticeable faux pas (can you spot it?) and it looks like someone’s scout troop was trying to get their social media merit badge with this one.

  2. I thought it was a good demo as always from Mr.Doty. He gets in a lot of info and always in a logical process that would be exactly as anyone would go through one if we could get our filthy hands on one ourselves.
    I already know what all that stuff does, I want to know what does this Minitaur offer me that I don’t have available.
    A: Taurus Filter!

  3. This product fits in with my opinion of most moog products: Looks and sounds fantastic, but probably about twice as expensive as it should be. Isn’t this a company founded on the idea of synthesis for everyone?

    You can get a mopho with a keyboard for as much as one of these. Moog just kind of irritates me with their “synths for all” mission statement (or at least origins), but boutique pricing.

    1. >Isn’t this a company founded on the idea of synthesis for everyone?

      I’m with you on that one. No doubt Moog makes really top notch stuff, but they are taking the elite pricing approach, and in the long run I think it will work against them. They will become that company that everyone talks about as a reference point but most everyone uses cheaper gear that’s “good enough” from other manufacturers. With today’s economy and technological capabilities a company has to really decide if they want status or sales. This is especially tricky when the end user (the album listener or concert goer) has absolutely no idea or care what brand of gear a musician is using.

  4. I don’t know… I … I just don’t know anymore.

    At first I felt really enthusiastic about this new little bass monster, but now I just find myself asking if I really even want it. I’m probably going to have to wait a couple of months until the local instrument vendor gets a shipment of these things. Then I’ll be able to try one out myself and make a more grounded decision.

  5. Boring little thing isn’t it? Not to mention a boring little demonstrator to go along with it. I wonder when Moog will become impressive again.

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