Inter-App Audio Coming In iOS 6

Apple made dozens of announcements at its World Wide Developers Conference today in  San Francisco – but most of them were anticipated updates and incremental improvements.

One announcement for iOS 6, Apple’s new mobile device operating system, perked up the ears of a lot of people interested in iPad and iPhone music applications – Inter-app audio.

Apple hasn’t publicly released details on Inter-app audio in iOS 6, but it looks like it may be adding the type of system level audio routing between audio and music apps that many developers have been waiting for. (Or, in the case of AudioBus, working on.)

Other items introduced without fanfare include system level support for audio and video sampling during playback and ‘multi-route audio.

If you’ve got additional details on iOS 6’s inter-app audio, leave a comment or let us know via the feedback form!

via The Verge, willkuhn, palmsounds

37 thoughts on “Inter-App Audio Coming In iOS 6

      1. So What ? does this mean that we have to dump our iPad 1 ? Nooo !!! We just have to shout at Apple to allow this service, even if we know that we won’t have 256 channels of polyphony…. Once again, this is just a bad “non sustainable” message from a cash-only company…theyaPity.

  1. Looks like apple have killed audiobus

    I think they see the need for apps to interface more intensely and have took it upon themselves to do the job

    Good on them

  2. i should also say that i appreciate the hard work michael tyson has put into audiobus app, i feel it could have prompted apple to make some adjustments for ios6 so in one sense tyson has accomplished loads, now there is no need for audiobus, maybe he could work on other things to further enhance ios music production?

  3. Oh no, apple bought audiobus and are implementing it in some lame and restricted way in ios6.

    I hope the audibus team gets paid really well for this!

    1. people been bugging apple to do something about audio, finally they are and you whine? no one knows who good or not so good this will be yet. hats off to apple, ios6 looks a great leap forward and its a free ios update that will empower greater creativity
      maybe the audiobus app prompted a quick response from apple to do something themselves

      its their ios and they are always improving it and the devices, now its up to developrs to work around things, likely ios6 update will make it easier for them, and for app users

      its all good

    2. ahhh, the webb of conspiracy of it all, did apple screw or buy out audiobus? i doubt it, youve struck a wrong chord there mate, apple are just making a better ios

  4. Yes,my feeling too. Audiobus has no chance of apple approval now all this iOS 6 details are coming out. Shame, but apple are in control! It is their iOS after all and developers just have to work round whatever gets changed. But hey, at least we can then make music easier and that’s what everyone wanted in the first place right? I hope some devs get on this thread and clarify things further

  5. i do think its gonna get hot in here as soon as the devs and appbloggers wake from their slumber, should be a great debate later on

  6. I hope whatever apple is doing comes out in conjunction with audiobus, as audiobus looked like a very elegant solution and might enable ipad 1 users like me to have some stuttery fun. Plus general pasteboard, ac&p and intua audio sharing all do the same thing and exist together on ios. Will be nice to have a system wide inter app audio and 3rd party solutions to choose from, audiobus tho I feel is very important for ios, especially from a updating with new features pov.

  7. I doubt apple have audiobus in mind, it’s just an app, we are talking bout a major upgrade to an operating system.
    Ipad1 users still have virtual midi, acp and that stuff, but perhaps it’s time to go with the flow and upgrade devices

    All developers of existing music apps will have to update their apps to work with this new system.

    There are grey areas in audiobus that apple clearly won’t approve, but apple themselves have presented and indeed made the solution. The apps we do have already and use, will update to work with new iOS and thus we will be further empowered.

    I think audiobus is too ambitious and did not think for one moment it would come out. And some of us felt that ios6 would be a big leap on favour of music making as ios5 wasn’t really

    The truth wether we like it or not is apple leads the way forward and we must follow, either that or defect to android lol

    1. Think of the bigger picture. It’s not just a way for musicians to send audio from one app to another… it’s a system level multimedia thing. Like how they are talking about embedding pic and video capture into Safari. A system level multimedia solution that was architected well could enable all kinds of cool things. You could potentially capture raw audio from a USB mic directly to a remote drive from within Safari. Or use FaceTime to communicate from a studio with a remote recording tech, who could then send back pro level sound captured without leaving the FaceTime app. Or access video content directly from within audio apps. Open vid, record a new background sound bed, clean up spoken audio, save. And this is sure to bring about some new standard file formats, allowing us to finally easily save tracks, projects etc and move them around anywhere we want. It’s like what quick time did for the desktop, but completely mobile and connected to social. It won’t happen overnight, but this is the foundation for it.

  8. I think developers have to sign a non-disclosure agreement to get the unreleased software, so it may be a while before we hear more details.

    Unless somebody comments anonymously, of course!

  9. Agreed xtopher
    I just wanna say that apart from the yakk nappy guy, this has been the most encouraging discussion I’ve seen on synthtopia regarding ios and these developments will likely create more faith in apps from more sceptical people

    1. Mxlr144

      Nice job Mr. Nepper, here our Simon was actually encouraged about a discussion on this blog For Once, and then you come along with your …flippant fun …and ruin everything!  

      For me even bitchy posts from diehard Analogistas often contain useful bits of knowledge. It’s OK to disagree, it’s OK to make fun of Apple lol! I wonder if our Simon has ever been to Pete’s CDM blog, cause those cranky nerds bitch and disagree over everything! It’s great because it’s dynamic, I mean who wants to read 20 comments by Simon’s all agreeing with each other?? Lol

  10. The Audiobus team were talking about supporting older hardware, as well as Windows and Linux. Older hardware, Windows, and Linux are three things that Apple doesn’t make money on. That Apple would offer an alternative that involves people buying more Apple hardware shouldn’t be too surprising (and I say this as an adoring Apple fanboi).

    1. Why, cause he went and talked to actual developers instead of just theorizing?
      Oh I see, someone left a comment on his site, and it hurted your feewings…

  11. ? Zymos, likely you are Discchord anyway, lol whatever, would like to know what feewings are, unless u meant “feelings”. No feeling not hurt, just don’t like the way they talk on there. I don’t care, I know apple are making some improvements and that is always welcome, progress helps us all wether it’s audiobus or ios6, and even if neither existed, that’s cool, I can still enjoy making music in my own way with the present circumstances ( nano studio is damn good as are some iOS synths )
    So anything forthcoming is a bonus. We do know audiobus is risky and we don’t yet know what exactly apple are up to.
    But lol, we are only guaranteed of the apple stuff do I’ll put my money on that, safer bet don’t you think? Proved reliable thus far huh ?

  12. ? Zymos, likely you are Discchord anyway, lol whatever, would like to know what feewings are, unless u meant “feelings”. No feeling not hurt, just don’t like the way they talk on there. I don’t care, I know apple are making some improvements and that is always welcome, progress helps us all wether it’s audiobus or ios6, and even if neither existed, that’s cool, I can still enjoy making music in my own way with the present circumstances ( nano studio is damn good as are some iOS synths )
    So anything forthcoming is a bonus. We do know audiobus is risky and we don’t yet know what exactly apple are up to.
    But lol, we are only guaranteed of the apple stuff do I’ll put my money on that, safer bet don’t you think? Proved reliable thus far huh ?

  13. Simon and Taylor are same person but lol, I tried posting as Simon and system wouldn’t let me post so I chose an anon name and it seems both posts went up- synth head, u gotta glitch sir

  14. gentlemen, chill! Not even the devs know wtf is going on, only apple,thus we speculate. Lol! Apple sure knows how to make things intense

  15. What is Audiobus ?
    Well… ahem…. AudioBus is … ahem… just… ahem… $3.99
    You really need to know more ?

  16. you cannot spend $3.99 on something not released yet, I’d sure buy at that price if it were. Point is not to get excited by things we cannot be sure of

  17. Plus audiobus is talking about stuff like effects added IN BETWEEN apps. Cool ass shit, I doubt apples initial solution will be so ambitious.

  18. I had to redownload some Win 7 utilities from CNET the other day, and while I was waiting I read a Sweeps Week style “IOS vs Android” article that mirrored this discussion, only there were like 300 comments! And the rancor between these phone nerds was like Catholic vs Proddy in the 100 Years War! Or Ford vs Chevy, Fender vs Gibson etc. Comparatively, this here is a benign and wholly respectful discussion!

  19. If IOS6 doesnt provide audio over wifi, audiobus may still be very useful,
    even more so if IOS6 still doesnt allow CCK compatability with iphone/ipod touch.

  20. I myself am very excited for Audiobus. I don’t think Apple will kill it even if they try.
    I love Apple but I highly doubt the iOS 6 with streaming audio will be as good as a third party app. Especially from the devs at Tasty Pixel.
    It is like comparing general pasteboard (one file)on ios and ACP(twelve files)- big difference between the two.
    So I am sure there will be a difference in what Apple does and what Audiobus does. We will just have to wait it out and hope that either one will be usuable and/or helpful in ios production.

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