Sunday Synth Jam: Here’s a retro-tacular bit of synth jamming, via TheSynthFreq, who says “Hope the new year of 2013 is awesomely synthy!!”
With jams like this, it’s off to a good start!
Sunday Synth Jam: Here’s a retro-tacular bit of synth jamming, via TheSynthFreq, who says “Hope the new year of 2013 is awesomely synthy!!”
With jams like this, it’s off to a good start!
Total genius.I have followed them for years on YouTube and they never fail to amaze.
Party like it’s 1989! 😀
The fabulous solo/duet is really screaming for deuling keytars!!
This is a great bit of music and great playing, it is on a par with the daft punk, manga style dvd.
Well done .
The way you double up parts its very interesting and your sounds perfect for the music.
Once again……. Awesome!