Designer Ken MacBeth tests out the prototype of his upcoming MacBeth Studio Systems Nexus touchpad synthesizer.
Here’s what he has to say about the demo:
As I finalize the design of the NEXUS synthesizer for production- I took it the prototype through to the work bench. Basically- the work/refinements are complete. This recording has no external effects- the only sounds are from the NEXUS itself!
I’ve designed a synthesizer that has the type of sound, similar to that used on the David Bowie trilogy that was recorded in Berlin in the seventies- see what you think!
more like Nexus SIX, amirite??
Someday this will be mine!
I’ve been resisting this kind of hardware… but this looks great.
Wow. I want one Please!
Now that’s a great solo voice. The touch pad echoes the Buchla Thunder a bit, which is inspiring. I do wish people would use less vibrato, though. It obscures the basic tone too much. When his patches were a bit more static, I could hear the real character of the synth and as usual, its got muscle. I look forward to hearing what people do with this one; its subtly different from most synths. There’s an added layer of intimacy to the interface that grabs me. That’s a neat trick with a keyboard-centric type like me. I put synths of this caliber in a folder I think of as Cello, because they have a bigger than usual range. Classy!
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