This short documentary film looks at Dutch synthesist Michel van Osenbruggen, the events that have inspired him and what led him to producing his own electronic music.
Readers may be familiar to Osenbruggen’s series of albums, released as, including Apollo, Atmosphere and Primitives. Osenbruggen is also the man behind ‘the ultimate synth-cave‘, Apollo Studios.
The documentary was directed by Thomas de Rijk, who was studying at that time at the Willem de Kooning Film Academy in Rotterdam. The short film does a good job of exploring the personal experiences of Osenbruggen and tying them to more universal experiences.
You can learn more about Osenbruggen and his music at his site, where you’ll find out that his synth-cave is no longer a danger to the power grid – because he’s added solar power!
Very cool video. Would love to do a walk thru of that studio.
Dude’s got a serious Gear Acquisition problem, but I thoroughly enjoyed his honesty and illuminating thoughts about his process. Very cool!
The words are so resonating
I am sure so many can relate to what he says
Superb 🙂
troubling thought have been on my mind lately, today i spent hours learning how operators and modulators can effect each other on an FM synthesizer. it made me forget where i was for a while. it is true by going into the sounds i make i am able to actually hear what i am feeling.
I could relate to a lot of this – especially being inspired by both the space program and early synth music artists.
Both the photos of the earth from space and 70’s synth music encouraged you to look at things differently and to think about them differently.
I was probably much more idealistic and naive then, and less jaded. But I still think that good electronic music can help you think about things in different ways and that it’s a good thing.
I had such mixed feelings about this one that I decided not to comment at length, lest I sound like a giant gasbag. Its too slippery a slope. You can have lofty, space-cadet motivations, some unique bone to pick that calls for a lot of distortion plugs or any one of a hundred other drives. If you champion one, it usually leads to Fight Club with people who cling to a different one. So my take is that Michel’s work is lush and satisfyin’ to the spirit; that he could do it with a tenth of those synths, heh heh; and that warts and all, I love synths. Without music, I’d be a viral YouTube video as I strangled some televangelist or politician. Then I’d end up hanging myself in prison because some wanker would recut the deed and put dubstep over it. Ack.
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