Intua has updated Beatmaker, adding Inter-App Audio, new effects, better MIDI support and more.
Beatmaker is a powerful mobile virtual studio for iPhone and iPad.
Here’s what’s new in Beatmaker 2.5:
- Compatible with Apple iOS Inter-App Audio (iOS7 only, iPhone+iPad)
- Compatible with iOS 7 on all devices (fix the graphic glitch on iPhone 5S)
- INTUA Sound Store for getting new kits and sound banks
- New effect: Stereo delay
- MIDI note learn on drum machine: configure each drum sampler exactly like your MIDI controller
- MIDI Clock and MIDI transport messages improved
- Quick MIDI CC touch’n’learn on instruments, mixer and effects controls
- Every instrument will listen on MIDI Channel #1 by default
- Take-over mode for reading back sequencer automations
- Looping will no longer reset automations
- OMNI disabled by default
- MIDI Clock messages are sent by default
- Auto-saved sessions (Last Session) now saved with project name, in a special directory Auto-saved Sessions
- MIDI configuration templates will now save custom note mapping
- GM Drum mapping mode in Drum Machine MIDI configuration panel
- Note length can be edited directly on the pattern editor
- Missing samples will still be displayed on pads and keyboard mapping editor for easier recovery (prefixed with a cross)
- Update to Audiobus SDK 1.0.2
- Other fixes and enhancements
If you’ve used Beatmaker, let us know what you think of it and the update!
very nice update 🙂 love this app