House Icon MK in Native Instruments Video: ‘Future of DJing = No Vinyl’

Native Instruments today kicked off “The Future of DJing,” a new video series featuring international artists and showcasing how new technologies found on Traktor products inspire creativity.

Throughout the summer, The Future of DJing series will profile the artist, and explore how technological innovation plays a role in their performance. With The Future of DJing video series, Native Instruments says they aim to kick-start discussions with artists, labels, and the media about the future of DJing.

traktor-kontrol-x1-mkiiThe first video features house “icon” Marc Kinchen, aka MK. In this video, Marc talks about how technology has always inspired his DJing and fuels his concept of the ideal live DJ performance – creating a track from start to finish live while DJing. MK also shares his vision where “a future generation of talented DJ/producers will be setting the new standards of DJ culture without ever touching vinyl or playing an instrument.” [emphasis ours – ed.]

Native Instruments is also giving away five of the Traktor Kontrol X1 controllers signed by MK. To win, people must leave a comment on the video’s Facebook post. Winners will be selected at random.

17 thoughts on “House Icon MK in Native Instruments Video: ‘Future of DJing = No Vinyl’

  1. More click-bait based on some interview some guy did somewhere? Do you think we could maybe just get news about synthesizers and cut out the deliberately inflammatory articles that serve only to get the comments section riled up and cause slapfights between luddites and arrogant novices? Thanks.

  2. Create songs live….. Aren’t there so many tools to create music live available now. I am in no way a professional, but at the moment I am using two iPhones with Figure to create music live. Additionally I have an alternative setup where I use a Volca Drums, Bass and Keys to create music live. I am not sure what tools he is waiting for…..

  3. LOL! Has that bell-end really tattooed his stage name on his hands? I’m a fan of ink but these really are the people that used to write on themselves with textas as children. Interestingly his view on DJ’s is equally childlike i.e., simplistic and narrow-minded.

  4. Uh, Maschine. You can make tracks live on stage with maschine. A tool that he claims to use. Also, ableton push, also…

    Never mind. Everyone here knows.

  5. I am amused by people saying no vinyl.If they where the super duper audiophiles they claim to be then vinyl
    Is the sonic peak of sound recording/sound duplication.
    We see trends come and go vinyl continues.I was buying vinyl yesterday and have tracks coming out on vinyl.
    The non vinyl mp3 brigade I am amused by.

  6. “With The Future of DJing video series, Native Instruments says they aim to kick-start discussions with artists, labels, and the media about the future of DJing.” Nope. They aim to advertise their products and the workflows that come with them.

  7. It’s really interesting – He’s an amazing producer who probably gets boat loads of money thrown his way to DJ but he’s not a DJ. So I wouldn’t really take anything he says about DJing seriously.

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