Sunday Synth Jam: Duet No.4 for Synthesizer and The Singing Ringing Tree, via John Keston, was recorded on location at the Singing Ringing Tree sculpture.
The track combines ambient sound from the location and the sculpture, recorded with a binaural microphone, and synthesized sounds.
Here’s what Keston has to say about the track:
This is the fourth selection from takes during a five day recording session and performance series at the Singing Ringing Tree (SRT) in Burnley, UK, a wind activated musical panopticon in Northern England. The sculpture was designed by architects Tonkin Liu and completed in December 2006. I performed accompaniment for the SRT binaural recordings simultaneously using a Novation Bass Station II connected to a USB battery. I also ran the Bass Station II through a Moog Minifooger Delay.
NOTE: This is a binaural recording combined with a monophonic synthesizer track. Although it sounds great through speakers, circumaural headphones must be used to experience the binaural effect.
very nice