This video, via Modular Wild, takes a look at the variety of spring reverb effects possible with the Intellijel Springray Eurorack spring reverb module.
In the video, Raul Pena demonstrates the effect of using the Springray Spring Reverb module with different reverb tanks.
- PRE tank and POST tank Ambler Tilt EQ
- VC Feedback
- Limiter in feedback path so you can prevent high gain feedback from clipping the output. (Uses THATcorp RMS and VCA ICs)
- Selector switch to choose up to three different connected tanks (one on the front and two on the back)
- VC Mix of the wet/dry balance (uses a full linear VCA xfade circuit)
- Drive input with large gain (can overdrive the tank inputs)
- External processors can be inserted into the feedback path via the SEND/RETURN normalled inputs. Extremely interesting results when patched through modulated BP filters etc.
- Three different sizes of Accutronic tanks are available
The Intellijel Springray module is available for US $240. The reverb tanks are available separately, priced ranging from $10-25.
What an annoying sequence.
Also, I can do the same thing with a spring tank connected to my cheap mixer.
, minus the limiter.
Nice design, but that awkward little selector switch is really going to annoy people. Otherwise, the EQ, drive and send / return facilities are good features.