First International Kraftwerk Conference Scheduled For Jan 2015

kraftwerk-man-maschineThe first ever international academic conference on Kraftwerk will take place at Aston University on Jan 21-22, 2015.

Kraftwerk specialists from Britain, Finland, Austria, the Netherlands and the US, will present papers dealing with the band’s music and the impact it has had on other artists.

Details on the conference are available at the University’s site.

13 thoughts on “First International Kraftwerk Conference Scheduled For Jan 2015

  1. Lets hope everyone raises there glasses to Connie Plank.
    People should read I was a Robot by Wolfgang Flur.Whos credits where taken off the albums.
    Kraftwerk neine danke.

    1. I read that book and thought it was awful. NOT recommended for fans of Kraftwerk or fans of literature in general.

      If you’ve got some weird ax to grid with Kraftwerk then it’s probably right up your alley, though.

      1. I thought it was a pretty insightful book. There is not really any inside information on the band and Wolfgang did a great job. I saw them live this year and it really was a fantastic experience, although their constant statement about how a new album is forthcoming has been going on for years, making you wonder who really was the creative force now that all but Ralf remains.

  2. what most people don’t know about Kraftwerk is that Ralf Hutter is a vegetarian for 35 years and he said a few years ago : “I don’t like slaughterhouses. It’s very elementary.” ……….I totally agree and would like people to evolve in a new dimension of humanity similarly as Kraftwerk opened new dimensions in the sound realm……

          1. The song radio-activity is about ecology…this has nothing to do with music either…..The fact that Ralf is an ecologist and a veggie (on a moral basis) has certainly much to do with his music and isn’t at all off-topic… a remainder, the topic is “conference on Kraftwerk”…..furthermore Ralf’s vegetarism is not a secret or a hidden part of his life because he regularly talks about that aspect of his life…..

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