AudioThing Intros Bowed Harp For Kontakt


AudioThing has introduced Bowed Harp – a new virtual instrument, based on samples from an autoharp played with a pick and an EBow.

Here’s an audio preview:

The autoharp is a string instrument similar to a zither. The EBow is a battery-powered electronic device for playing string instruments (like an electric guitar), producing a sound reminiscent of using a bow on the strings.

Bowed Harp lets you mix these two sources to create unique plucked and pad sounds. Both sources also feature a selection of 12 impulse responses (4 reverbs, 4 cabinets, 4 effects) to further mangle the sounds.


Bowed Harp is available now with an intro price of US $15 (normally $19).

8 thoughts on “AudioThing Intros Bowed Harp For Kontakt

  1. It’s hard to argue with that price. And the sounds are pristine.

    However, as someone who has played some autoharp in my day, it doesn’t really sound like that, or even zither-like at all. That said, the sounds are pure and rich and good. Just not maybe what you’d expect from either a harp or an autoharp.

    1. Yea, they should have done a very careful job of tuning those samples. They also should have provided some facility for using scala tuning maps, IMHO.

  2. Nice work. I really appreciate the effort that’s put in to creating these one off unique sampled instruments. They open up new palettes of music creation for me, and that is a very nice thing.
    Thank you Mr AudioThing. Off to their site to buy a copy.


  3. Not a bad price. I hear a bit of what some people are complaining about tuning issues but I’m wondering if that is a side effect of the effects used on the first track? Chorus and delay can make things sound out of tune depending on the algorithm. On the second track I’m not hearing it as much.

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