MoMinstruments Updates FluXpad & Elastic Drums

fluxpadMoMinstruments has released updates to fluXpad and Elastic Drums for iPad.

fluXpad has been updated to version 1.07, which now comes with sample kits/presets of the following artists:

  • Kit Simius (IAP 0.99€/$)
  • Funkstörung (IAP 0.99€/$)
  • Gajek (IAP 0.99€/$)
  • DJ Elephant Power (IAP 0.99€/$)
  • DJs Collapse: Mouse on Mars & Matthew Herbert (free)

The size of the productions kits vary, but they each consist of new sounds and at least one new preset by the artist. You can listen to a track made with the sounds before buying it.

Here’s a preview:

Audio demos:

Here’s a video of Bon Iver playing with fluXpad and WretchUp

Elastic Drums has also been updated, with improvements to the sampler engine:

Here is a video about the new sampler update:

And here are some audio tracks made by Elastic Drums audio demos:

Pricing and Availability

2 thoughts on “MoMinstruments Updates FluXpad & Elastic Drums

  1. Elastic Drums is amazing. It’s about as close to an Analog Rytm as you can get in an app…

    However, it’s pretty buggy/glitchy once you get past some of the basic features… BUT, if you’re willing to persevere it’s pretty awesome.

    Mate it with a hardware controller so you can tweak the synth engines and effects, and (if they would fix the bugs and make it a bit more stable), I’d argue you could do a 30 min PA set with it and no one would know you were on an iPad app…

    About the only thing it’s missing that I’d like to see is the ability to do the Analog Rytm’s conditional trgs. Or at least step probability.

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