Joué Customizable MIDI Controller Meets Kickstarter Goal

Developers of the Joué, an expressive MIDI controller that you can customize to fit your needs, have reached their Kickstarter project funding goals, with 10 days left to go.

The Joué has a base, made of wood and metal, and is equipped with a pressure sensor on which modules are placed. Modules – including piano keys, guitar strings, drums pads and 3D control objects  – are made of soft and elastic silicone, which transmit every pressure variation to the sensor. This lets you use natural gestures, such as vibrato, bending, and hitting.

The developers have also shared several new videos that demonstrate the Joué and various Modules:

Joué supports USB MIDI, so it can be used to play and control software like Ableton Live, Apple Logic, Native Instruments plugins, Max/MSP or iPad apps. You can also connect it to hardware using a USB to MIDI converter, without needing a computer in between or even connect several Joué to the same device to extend the setup.

Joué also supports MPE (Multi-dimensional Polyphonic Expression).

Pricing and Availability

The Joué is available to project backers starting around US $340. Estimated delivery is Aug 2017.

4 thoughts on “Joué Customizable MIDI Controller Meets Kickstarter Goal

  1. While it might look “awesome” (quote Jordan Ruddess) to play it like a guitar, it can’t be comfortable, because the fretboard doesn’t start right at the edge, your finger has to strech. Which means you can’t fully use your guitar or bass chops on this one. LinnStrument also has limitations here.
    A fretboard-shaped MPE device would be something really new. Because there will be no more new instruments (quote Keith McMillen). Just people adapting to digital expansions of existing instruments.

  2. The fretboard is not designed to be played as Jordon Ruddess played it. It is played like a steel guitar.

    The Joue designers should be concerned that the response was underwhelming. That could be a problem for future sales.

    Personally, I’ve ordered two. One for me and one as a gift.

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