Charismac Engineering Inc. has introduced the Discribe Alive, a portable mass content duplication and distribution system designed specifically for live performance applications.
“The Discribe Alive system is unprecedented in the market place,” states Joel Heppting, director of business development and artist relations for Charismac Engineering. “For the first time, mass duplication and distribution of content can be done seamlessly, without extensive overhead and human intervention. Discribe Alive can be used in permanent installations or mobile systems for a variety of applications. We are launching it by addressing multiple markets in parallel including; enterprise, academia and the live performance touring industry. Our system works for them all because each Discribe Alive is customized for their needs, easy to use, and extremely reliable.”
Each Discribe Alive system comes pre-con?gured with Charismac’s proprietary Discribe Alive Master software (running on an Apple G4 PowerBook), two custom-built Discribe Alive Target Robot CD/DVD duplicators; an Apple Xserve; a tallying key that tracks and reports on system status and CD burning success; and powerful wireless networking connectivity tools. A customized air-travel-approved (ATA), shock-mounted rack case encapsulates the Discribe Alive system providing robust, road-worthy, portability.
“I’ve seen the Alive system in action and it’s amazing!” states David Rouze, owner of Bay 7 Studios in Burbank, California and provider of technical services for tours like Madonna, U2 and the Rolling Stones. “I’m impressed with the quality of the assembled hardware and speed the robots. It’s quick, quiet and seems to work flawlessly.”
Each Discribe Alive Target Robot is capable of burning over 200 discs per hour – depending on the amount of content broadcast and then duplicated. With the capability to remotely administer and control 50 or more Alive Target Robots, this could mean output of over 15,000 discs at a single event. Software engineering advances in the Discribe Alive software allow for greatly enhanced speed from the duplicators. A Discribe Alive Target Robot Server can produce discs faster than many “high speed” duplicators costing ten times the amount of a Discribe Alive System.
“Existing solutions for on-demand mass distribution of content requires a number of “work-arounds” using existing duplication technology,” states Heppting. “Discribe Alive is essentially autonomous, self audits and reports the exact number of discs that burned or failed with the timeframe of the job sent by the Discribe Alive Master.”
Applications for the Discribe Alive System are many and varied from major enterprise level organizations to small businesses. They include musical performing acts, motivational speakers, professional lecturers, academia, theater, spoken word, worship, secondary education, radio and television broadcast. There are simply too many to name.
The Discribe Alive System is currently available for custom con?guration and integration. Additional information is available at the Discribe Alive site.