EMUSIC takes a brave new leap into the future of broadcasting on the internet.
Known as podcasting (named after broadcasting + iPod, though not associated with Apple in any way), this new means of transmitting audio files allows you to subscribe to a “channel” and have their programs automatically download onto your computer whenevr new programs are made available. You can listen to these programs on your computer.
However, most people who subscribe to podcasts have their computers sync with their portable MP3 Players, be it an iPod or any other type. Like Tivo for television, podcast programs are stored on your hard drive for listening at your convenience, on-demand.
EMUSIC Podcast #1 is now available and #2 is ready to go very soon.
Visit the EMUSIC home page for links to:
- The RSS News Feed to get news from me about EMUSIC
- The EMUSIC Podcasting channel
Use your favorite news aggregating software to get the news and podcasts. Use your favorite podcasting software to subscribe to the EMUSIC Podcasting channel.
For information about RSS news feeds and podcasting, check Podcasting News.