Cycling ’74, a software company based in San Francisco, today announced the release of Momentary Incursions, the fourth volume in the Cycles series of audio source libraries.
Produced and edited by sound designer Ron MacLeod, Momentary Incursions consists of hits, events, effects and transitions for use when a more finite punctuation is needed. This collection of 900+ non-looped samples range from a fraction of a second to over a minute in length. Momentary Incursions features collections of single events for audio signposting, transitional sonic elements for tails, builds, and textures, and shorter “hits” that can be used to mark audio terrain and provide a unique identity.
Momentary Incursions completes the first set of Cycles audio libraries and was produced with the same attention to sonic detail as the initial three releases. All releases feature a theme of “incidental de-construction” that groups audio source material in terms of its dramatic function instead of a conventional genre-based approach.
- Cycles: 01 Sustained Encounters – long textural beds
- Cycles: 02 Unnatural Rhythm – alternative rhythmic source
- Cycles: 03 Incidental Gesture- active sonic storytelling
- Cycles: 04 Momentary Incursions – hits, events, FX and transitions
The set is specifically designed to encourage experimentation and inspire the orchestration of sonic imagery, adding a cinematic storytelling quality to any composition or multimedia production.
These 24bit .wav files are provided in 48kHz for ease of use in Film, DV and multimedia productions, as well as 44.1kHz versions for direct compatibility with music composition tools. Each volume is packaged as a dual-disc release created with the audio post-professional in mind-a high capacity DVD-ROM, along with a standard audio CD for an easy auditioning alternative.
Cycling ’74 has tapped sound library pioneer Ron MacLeod, creator of the award winning ‘Poke in the Ear’ libraries, to produce and curate the Cycles series. This new series focuses on the use of cutting edge psycho-acoustic manipulation utilizing Cycling ’74’s innovative processing tools-Max/MSP, Pluggo, Mode, Hipno and Radial.
The Cycles series complements Cycling ’74’s creative and unique software and music releases with libraries of sound effects, ambient sound, rhythmic loops and incidental music for use by musicians, sound designers and media producers.
Momentary Incursions is now available directly from Cycling ’74 and its dealers for MSRP US $99.00.
About Cycling ’74
Cycling ’74 creates and distributes Mac OS and Windows software for audio, video, and multimedia innovators. Products include the Max/MSP/Jitter graphical programming environment, the Pluggo collections of Max/MSP-based audio plug-ins, the Radial loop-based composition and performance system, and the interactive algorithmic composition program M. Cycling ’74 also releases creative musical and multimedia works through their c74 recording label and audio source libraries for musicians, sound designers and media producers through its Cycles series.