JazzMutant has announced updates to both the Lemur controller and the company’s website.
New JazzMutant Site: The main new feature of the web site is its Workshop section. The new section is a collection of tutorials and examples to help you get the feel of your new Lemur in a couple of hours, while using your favorite software.
Available tutorials: “Surround Panning Strategies” with Cubase SX ; “Exploring Granular Synthesis” with Max/MSP and a Lemur project template destinated to control the most popular loop-based sequencer: Ableton Live 5.
Controller Version 1.2 : Both JazzEditor and the Lemur firmware have also been greatly updated: objects improvement (the circular 2D controller RingArea now accept several attractors creating complex oscillation movements ; the Area object has been merged with the Multiball object featuring new Cursor and Physic modes) ; MIDI implementation (several new features ease the JazzEditor to scale and generate MIDI output from the OSC messages sent by the Lemur) ; Expression Parser / Compiler (new math operator and functions have been added).
Source: JazzMutant