AES: Cycling ’74 today demonstrated the recently released version 1.5 software for JazzMutant Lemur control surface. The update is available via download to all current Lemur customers. New software features in version 1.5 allow the Lemur to control many popular DAWs including Logic, Digital Performer, Live and Cubase.
JazzMutant Lemur is a hardware controller for new media applications featuring a proprietary multitouch LCD touchscreen. The Lemur uses OSC messages to communicate with a Windows or Mac host computer over 100-base T Ethernet.
Version 1.5 features an improved JazzEditor that provides more efficient design tools and improved routing of control data-MIDI and OSC-to media applications. Thanks to the Lemur’s extended MIDI control capabilities, audio software applications can update the user interface display while you are using the touch surface. This allows the Lemur to function as a flexible two-way control surface.