Having trouble figuring out how to beat-match tracks to make mashups? Let Sue Teller show you how to do it!
Don’t worry, it’s only mildly disturbing….
Having trouble figuring out how to beat-match tracks to make mashups? Let Sue Teller show you how to do it!
Don’t worry, it’s only mildly disturbing….
I learned a lot from your video, keep making more!!!
AWESOME! I just learned how to mashup and started practicing. I entered a contest where I had to "mash" and can even win some money! Check it out for yourselves…
Lame Mountain Spew commercial. Anyone that learned anything from this is a retard.
this is good but i wanted to make a mash up on the computer. i'm sorry this dosent ork for me. good show!
P.S. where do you get the equipment?
soory. where it says ork above i ment work.
you are extremely rude Mr. or Mrs.