Digital Soundworks has introduced Dramatic Percussion, a sample library featuring unusual or rarely recorded instruments.
Instruments include Boo Bams, Puili, Octabans, Large Taos drum, Anklung, a full range of bowed and scraped gongs, Crotales bowed and struck, Vietnamese split bamboo, Concert Toms and Waterphone. Dramatic Percussion also contains traditional Orchestral Percussion instruments that are played in an untraditional way, such as thumb rolls and super balls on a Concert Bass drum.
Almost all of the instruments in the library have ‘motion’. You can change many of the parameters of an instrument by using the Sus Pedal, Mod Wheel, or keyboard switches on the fly. For example the BooBams shift from overheads mics to mics contained within the resonators using either the sus pedal as a switch or the mod wheel to cross fade between the two sample sets. Almost all of the instruments in this library have similar features and many are much more complex.
Nearly all of the instruments utilize new features for Gigastudio 3.0 and GVI. Round robin and randomizing are used on almost every instrument to add additional realism. Extensive velocity layering and individual right and left hand hits also increase the ‘depth’ of the library. Many techniques have been used to create a wide pallette of sounds for each instrument. Some of these include super balls, bowing, and thumb rolls Fx tracks. In addition, many of the instruments were played with sticks, mallets, hot rods, brushes, and fingers to increase the available options.
$199 USD